Dear Members of Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson, Inc.,
The National Council of Girl Scouts USA has called for a Special Session on October 19, 2024 to vote on an increase in Girl Scout and Girl Scout adult membership fees.
For Girl Scout memberships, the National Board of Girl Scouts USA recommends an $85 membership fee that would be phased in over three years: $68 (2026), $77 (2027) and $85 (2028). A portion of this Girl Scout fee increase would be shared back with councils for Girl Scout members to assist with financial aid.
For Girl Scout adult memberships, the National Board of Girl Scouts USA is recommending a $45 membership fee, with no portion going to councils.
We value your opinion and ask you to share your feedback with GSHH's National Delegates by completing this survey. We will go over this feedback during a virtual town hall on October 10th.
For more information, please review the proposals and watch the proposal video (passcode: @vHeA5x0) to hear more context from the National Board and GSUSA CEO Bonnie Barczykowski.
We ask you to give us your feedback by 11:00 pm on Monday, October 7. Thank you for all you do for Girl Scouting!
Please contact with any questions.
Yours in Girl Scouting, Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson, Inc.
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