Are your girls bridging to a new grade level? Learn more about what that program level means for you as a troop leader. You will learn about developmental milestones, what girl-led looks like at this level, and what programming opportunities are available to girls at their new level. Level Up trainings are available via gsLearn through your My GS account.
Girl Scouts Love State Parks
Troops, individual Girl Scouts and friends and families are all invited to visit a State Park during Girl Scouts Love State Parks weekend September 8–10! This weekend is celebrated by Girl Scouts across the United States by getting outdoors and enjoying one of our most amazing resources, state parks! Arkansas has 52 state parks to choose from, located in 48 counties. Events will be going on in parks throughout the state or you can plan your own visit, including hiking, paddling, fishing, picnicking, etc., at your favorite state park.
Because there are so many events, dates, times, ways to register, and other important details, please view the list on the Arkansas State Parks website for the most up-to-date information.
Patches can be purchased by emailing retail@girlscoutsdiamonds.org or visiting girlscoutshop.com.
NOARK Open House and Activity Day
Visit the Girl Scouts – Diamonds beautiful Camp NOARK nestled in the Ozark Mountains and see everything our camp property has to offer during our Open House and Activity Day on September 16. This day will give you the opportunity to sample some of the activities that are available to reserve year-round as well as experience at summer camp! Choose from some of our favorite activities: crafts, horse programming, BB Guns, archery, hatchet throwing, or the challenge course. Register to explore camp offerings with your troop (not a drop-off event). This event is open to the public, so share with friends and others who may be interested. Buy activity tickets here.
S’mores and Outdoors Encampment
Girl Scouts of all levels will learn about nature, animals, art and have a lot of outdoor fun with the Girl Scouts – Diamonds STEAM Team and Arkansas Game and Fish during this outdoor event and encampment at Grandview Prairie Nature Center in Columbus, September 15-16. Camp out with us Friday night or attend the event on Saturday only. Saturday overnight camping also available, but no programming or meals will be provided. Fishing, kayaking and learning target sports skills will be some of the outdoor activities offered at this event! Register here.
Cardboard Boat Regatta
Cardboard Boat Regatta is on the horizon! Girl Scouts will work to design and construct boats using only duct tape and cardboard. Then race to the soggy finish on Lake Dardanelle. Participants are allowed to bring their own extra stock of cardboard and duct tape. Other activity offerings will include state park programming and activities with the STEAM Team! Camp out with us October 6–8 or sign up for the Saturday-only event. Camping will take place in a group campsite (bring your tent). This is not a drop-off event. Participate as a troop, individual Girl Scout, or family! Families are welcome to register and join us. Girl Scouts must be renewed for the 2024 membership year by Sept 30 to attend. All individuals must be registered to attend, including chaperones, volunteers, caregivers, etc. Register by Friday, Sept. 29 Note: If you registered early and qualify for discounted registration for the Regatta, those codes will be emailed soon. We had a delay due to movement-wide issues with gsEvents.
Troop Leader 101
Are you a newer Girl Scout leader looking to learn more about Girl Scout programming, traditions and working with your troop? Join us for a fun and informative day at one of multiple location offerings. We will touch on meeting basics, traditions and ceremonies, team building, and engagement with the great outdoors. Bring a sack lunch and we will provide snacks and drinks. Save the date for November 4!
Fall Volunteer Trainings
Fall trainings are live on the website calendar! Adults and girls (age 11 or older) who are Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors can attend CPR/First Aid/AED training and receive their Adult and Pediatric First-Aid/CPR/AED certification.
9/16 - Little Rock 9/30 - Rogers 10/14 - Fort Smith 10/28 - Jonesboro
New this year is virtual Youth Mental Health First Aid Training (YMHFA). YMHFA is primarily designed for adults who regularly interact with young people. The course introduces common mental health challenges for youth, reviews typical adolescent development, and teaches a 5-step action plan for how to help young people in both crisis and non-crisis situations. Sessions will be offered 9/30, 11/11, 12/9.
If you haven’t already, make sure to renew for the upcoming membership year! Current year memberships expire on September 30, 2023. If you need assistance accessing your account, or processing membership renewals, please contact us at info@girlscoutsdiamonds.org.
Opportunity Catalog
Attention Troop Leaders! It is time to update your troop information. Please make sure you complete the “Troop Information Updates” form, even if your troop is considered “closed” or if you don’t have changes. We want to ensure our system has up-to-date information for all troops! It’s as simple as completing this form.
Leadership Role Changes
If your troop will have leadership changes for next membership year, please let us know via info@girlscoutsdiamonds.org. Your placement specialist will be glad to help new volunteers get the proper training to fill the role. If your service unit leadership will be changing, please let your volunteer experience specialist know as soon as possible.
Disbanding Troops
While we want every troop to join us for another year of fun, friendship and adventure, we understand that responsibilities and schedules change. If your troop is planning to disband, please email training@girlscoutsdiamonds.org. Your regional volunteer experience specialist will walk you through the next steps and timelines. Non-returning troops should be disbanded in our system and bank accounts closed out by September 1.
Financial Reporting for 2023 is Complete!
We had 136 troops that submitted financials online through VTK. That was 2 ½ times more than previous years! We mailed out 115 money bags to the troops that met the online and on-time submission with no extension requested criteria. Haven’t received your money bag? Contact Dana Wolverton at 870-558-2533 or dwolverton@girlscoutsdiamonds.org.
Labor Day Holidays
All Girl Scouts – Diamonds offices will be closed on September 1 and 4.
Our New Website is Live!
At the end of July, we published a fully refreshed and redesigned website. To help you find the information you use most, we put together a brief navigation guide. It may take a while to work through broken links, misdirected pages, etc., so we thank you for your patience and your help. If you encounter issues or are having trouble navigating, please let us know so we can address the issue.
Girl Scout Cookie Program Update
The product program team is deep in planning mode for the 2024 Girl Scout Cookie Program. If your service unit is interested in hosting a cookie cupboard for the 2024 season, please have the service unit product manager complete this form. Our team will use the submissions in this form to gauge general interest and the best locations for cupboards. Please note, completion of this form does not guarantee your service unit will host a cupboard. The product program team will reach out individually to finalize cupboard plans.
Rogers Retail Saturday The Rogers Retail Store will be open August 19 from 10 am-2 pm.
Little Rock Retail Inventory The Little Rock shop will be closed August 25-31 (8/29 and 8/31 shop days) for annual inventory. We will have limited access to our emails that week and will not be processing merchandise transactions.
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