Older Girl Chats
Older Girl Scouts Chats are a new way for Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors from all over our council to connect with each other once a month. A staff member will facilitate chat about upcoming events, highest awards, opportunities for older girls, adulting 101, and more. The September Older Girl Chat will be Sept 22 at 4 pm.
Cardboard Boat Regatta | Oct 5-6
Join us at Lake Dardanelle State Park to construct your very own boat out of duct tape and cardboard then race in the lake with all of your friends! This event can be attended as a troop or family. You can stay for the day on Saturday or register for the weekend and enjoy extra fun! New this year, a My Guy and Me race! Register here for weekend or here for Saturday only.
Alum Weekend | October 19-20
Whether you were a Girl Scout for a month, throughout your childhood, or joined as an adult, this weekend is for YOU! Gather your Girl Scout sisters and join us for Alum Weekend at Camp NOARK. Reconnect, reminisce, and create new memories. We can't wait to see you there! Register for Saturday or the weekend.
Renewal Reminders
Reminder! The Girl Scout membership year ends September 30. This is the time to make sure you have renewed or for troop leaders to check your rosters. If your troop hasn’t renewed, they will not be covered by our insurance or be able to participate in events or product sales after September 30, 2024. Any non-renewed troops will be disbanded in November.
Troop leaders also need to have a current membership and have their troop leadership role current to maintain access to the Volunteer Toolkit and the troop bank account. If you are a Lifetime member, renew any active roles with your troop or service unit each year.
Adult Recognitions
We are working to deliver adult recognitions for those who were not present at Diamonds Leadership Conference. While some might be mailed directly, if there are several items from a service unit, we will deliver them to a member of the service unit team so they can be presented at a service unit meeting.
2024 Fall Product Program
The Fall Product Program is here! We’ve got some exciting new products for you this year - a new nut product, Vanilla Flavored Honey Roasted Pecans, and personalized products plus a continued offering of BarkBox.
Mark your calendars and get ready for a season to Embrace Possibilities.
October 13
Order Card Sales end
October 27
Online Sales end
November 4-9
Service unit delivery week
2025 Cookie Program
Save the dates!
December 5
Service Unit Product Manager training
January 10
Cookie Program begins
January 26
Order card sales end
February 14-21
Service unit deliveries
February 21
Booths and cupboards begin
March 15
Cupboards end
March 16
Booths and online sale end
March 31
Reward orders due
Retail Shop Hours
Tuesday and Thursday 9am-6pm, closed from 1-2pm for lunch | Little Rock
2nd Saturday Shop Hours Oct. 12 - 10am-2pm
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