Starting on Fri., Feb. 2, 2024, GSUSA will be performing routine system maintenance to myGS, including the Volunteer Toolkit and gsLearn. Access to these tools will be unavailable during this time. Everything should be back up and running by Monday, Feb. 5, 2024. Make sure you have everything you might need in advance of this downtime so you aren’t inconvenienced.
This maintenance may impact caregivers, volunteers, and our customer care teams, who will be unable to respond to online inquiries until the updates are complete. This includes the following scenarios:
Current members (volunteers and caregivers) trying to access:
○ Their Girl Scouts profile and troop information on myGS ○ gsLearn for volunteer training ○ The Volunteer Toolkit for guidance and program materials used to conduct troop meetings
Girl Scout staff members and customer care teams trying to respond to online inquiries including but not limited to new members transactions.
Unfortunately, this happens right after our summer camp registration opens on Feb. 1, and camp registration will be impacted by these systems being down for maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Kristian Lewis Promoted to Regional Director of East Tennessee
Kristian has been with our council for over 6 years. As Senior Relationship Manager, Kristian demonstrated recruitment and volunteer management success in her assigned region. Kristian was also the recipient of the Honor Pin last August. She will be leading the East Tennessee Relationship Manager team and working closely with Ginger Wright, Senior Director of Membership.
Volunteers: Log-In and Learn with gsLearn
Volunteers, if you hold one or more of the following roles, there is training available for you on gsLearn that covers a wide variety of useful topics.
Troop Administrator
Girl Program Mentor
Product Sales Coordinator (Fall Product/Cookie)
Outdoor Coordinator
Troop Chaperone
Events Coordinator
In order for us at the council to assign training modules to you, and for you to access and complete the training, we need you to log in to your myGS account. You should be able to access your training library within a few days of signing-in. The gsLearn tab can be found at the bottom of the column to the left of your account home screen.
If you do not remember your login/password for myGS, or are having trouble logging in, please reach out to us at 800.474.1912, and we’ll be happy to help.
2024 Cookie Season
Attention NEW troops: when opening your troop bank account, please deposit $0.01 to cover the first cookie ACH. This will prevent an overdraft fee when GSCSA processes the $0.01 ACH on Jan. 19. (This penny ACH is to confirm that accurate bank account information was provided on the Troop Agreement Form.)
Notable Dates:
Jan. 16: Initial Order and Initial Rewards due
Jan. 17: Goal Getter phase begins
Cookie Distribution @ Peroulas: Jan. 25, 30, 31
Cookie Distribution @ Johnson City Farmers Market: Jan. 27
Cookie Distribution @ Chattanooga First Horizon Pavilion: Feb. 3
Important Tax Law Changes (effective Jan. 1, 2024) Regarding Money Payment Apps
Product staff have been advising troops and volunteers not to use third-party organization apps (TSOs). Due to Tax law changes effective Jan. 1, 2024, you may receive a 1099-K for payments received for product sales or other parental payments (dues, events, etc.) for your troop from a third-party payment organization such as Square, Venmo, Pay Pal, etc. when using a personal account. Anyone who is using a personal app should consult their local tax advisor when preparing their personal tax return.
Council has recommended Cheddarup in the past with an account linked directly to their troop account with both set up under the Council’s tax ID instead of using personal TSOs. It is the only TSO allowed to use our Council ID with payments going directly to the troop account.
If not using Cheddarup, to avoid the possibility of receiving a 1099-K, we recommend using Digital Cookie as the payment processor for cookie sales – no changes needed, and you should not receive a 1099-K. Digital Cookie provide a Troop Site link as a resource for troop volunteers to use when collecting payments for cookies while the troop is working at a cookie booth. Customers can then purchase cookies via credit/debit card, Venmo, or PayPal.
For more information about our Digital Cookie platform, please reach out to product@girlscoutcsa.org.
NEW in 2024: The Great Cookie Competition
The Girl Scouts of Southern Appalachians is excited to launch a new campaign called The Great Cookie Competition. Individuals (adults selected by the council) representing each Girl Scout Cookie, known as Cookie Competitors, will be earning votes by raising dollars. The Cookie Competitor to earn the most votes (i.e. raise the most money for our council), will be crowned their region’s Favorite Cookie.
The goal of this campaign is to not only raise funds for our council, but also to create more buzz around Girl Scouts, championing the Girl Scout Cookie Season amongst the general public!
The Great Cookie Competition will run from February to March. The competition will wrap with a culminating event in each of our council's three regions called The Great Cookie Tasting. We’ll share more details as the time approaches, so keep an eye on your inbox and on our social media channels.
Summer Camp 2024: Registration Opens Feb. 1
Canoes. Sun. Friends. Campfires. Hikes. Swimming. Adventures. Wildlife. Starry nights. Kayaks. Arrows. Trees. Crafts. Tents. Lake. Memories made. Camp is calling. Will you answer?
Full camp dates and programming details are now on our website! Important dates to keep in mind:
Feb. 1 - Registration opens for summer camp
Feb. 29 - Last day to register AND receive the Early Bird Discount of $100 off your chosen camp program
Apr. 3 - Last day to submit an application for a summer camp scholarship
We're Hiring for Summer Camp!
Shero's Journey at Camp Wildwood
Girl Scout Day Camp is returning June 24-28, 2024 to Camp Wildwood! Registration opens Feb. 1.
Joyce Maienschein Leadership Grant
Cadettes, Seniors, or Ambassadors who are working on a community service, take action project, or High Award can apply for a Joyce Maienschein Leadership Grant to help make their dream a reality. Not only can the girls receive funding for up to $500, but they gain life skills like writing, budgeting, organization, and teamwork. It's a win-win!
Easy Way to Support GSCSA
Register your Kroger Plus Card and the purchases you make will benefit us every time you swipe it. Just search for Girl Scout Council of the Southern App. Inc.
Be Seen in Your Community
Several troops and service units participated in community Christmas parades this past holiday season! Pictured (in no order): troop 00017, troop 00388, troop 22195, Beaver Creek SU, Loudon SU, New Visions SU
Share your stories and photos with us at socialmedia@girlscoutcsa.org. Please include a brief description (including date/location) of the event and/or project depicted, as well as the troop number(s).
Shop Talk
Open Shop Saturdays • Feb. 3, 10:00am - 2:00pm in Knoxville & Johnson City ONLY *NOTE* The Chattanooga shop will NOT be open on Feb. 3; instead there will be a pop-up shop located at that day's cookie distribution. Pick up your cookies AND shop for all your cookie season needs!
Shop online anytime!
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Update Profile