GirlFest at the Museum of Discovery
Calling Daisies, Brownies, Juniors and Cadettes and Girl Scout families! Come check out the Museum of Discovery and all it has to offer for an exclusive after-hours event on Saturday, December 2. The Girl Scout pop-up shop will also be available on site for your holiday shopping needs! Families are invited to attend with their Girl Scouts. There are limited adult and tagalong spots available.
Older Girl Retreat at Camp Mitchell (near Petit Jean)
Mark your calendars for Dec. 1-3. Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors are invited to this special retreat just for them in the central region at Camp Mitchell! Girl Scouts will complete their Ready. Resilient. Strong. patch by learning techniques to lift their mood and manage stress and challenges. There will be plenty of crafting, outdoor activities, and time spent bonding with Girl Scouts from across the Diamonds Council! Register here.
Youth Mental Health First Aid
Are you interested in learning about the common mental health challenges for youth and a 5-step action plan for how to help young people in both crisis and non-crisis situations?
Join us for the last virtual Youth Mental Health First Aid offering of 2023. Virtual YMHFA - December 9 (Registration closes 11/21/23)
Diamonds Leadership Conference and Annual Meeting
Be sure to mark your calendar for Friday, July 26–Saturday, July 27, 2024, at the DoubleTree Hotel and Robinson Center in Little Rock.
Cadettes, Seniors, Ambassadors and volunteers are invited to Little Rock for our first council-wide conference since 2019! Meet up with your Girl Scout friends from across the council to celebrate volunteer and girl achievements, attend enriching workshops, network with volunteers and staff, and more! Opt-in to email notifications and follow us on Facebook to know when registration opens!
The Highest Awards Ceremony will be held on Friday evening for Silver and Gold Recipients and Graduating Seniors, and the Adult Awards Ceremony will be held on Saturday morning – be sure to make plans to attend and honor our award recipients.
Troop Travel Update
The new online troop travel application is LIVE on our website. You can now submit your application without worrying about scanning/emailing. Are you a paper person? No worries! The PDF form is still available and has also been updated. Reminder: Overnight troop travel apps must be submitted 3 weeks before your trip. Failure to do so could result in denial. For questions, or assistance please contact us at:
Changes to Activity Insurance
GSUSA is pleased to announce an important coverage enhancement to Girl Scouts Activity Accident insurance with Mutual of Omaha which is effective on October 1, 2023. GSUSA and Mutual of Omaha have expanded the automatic coverage under Basic Plan 1 for Girl Scouts to include all invited non-member participants and domestic travel trips for members, without a time limit. This enhancement is expected to reduce costs to troops and minimize a distracting administrative burden for council staff and volunteers.
Basic Plan 1 is automatic and does not require purchasing for an activity or travel and covers participants taking part in any council-approved, supervised Girl Scout activity. Adults will still need to be registered members with a background check for overnights.
Extra insurance that covers sickness is still available for purchase – good for when your event will take place where a caregiver cannot easily pick up a sick child. There is also a mandatory plan for any international travel.
Visit our website to view these important plan updates and descriptions.
Safety Activity Checkpoints
The 2023-2024 updated Safety Activity Checkpoints (SAC) is live on our website. Volunteers should reference SAC when planning troop activities to ensure a fun and safe Girl Scout experience.
Updated Resources
The updated Volunteer Essentials and Member Policies and Procedures are still on the horizon. We apologize for this unforeseen delay in providing these materials to you. Resources are pending board approval. The permission forms and health history forms are in the process of being updated. You can use the existing forms in the meantime or the new online, digital form.
Troop Compliance
Troops that do not meet the minimum troop leader and/or adult ratio were contacted in October. The volunteer team will be working closely with these troops to reach active status. Please note these troops will not import into eBudde until compliance is met. Incoming new leaders joining existing troops should aim to complete their training by November 30 to prevent any import delays into eBudde.
Opt-In for Communications
This is a reminder that Girl Scouts must opt-in for communications from the council - receiving council newsletters and important reminders is NOT the default setting.
In the My Profile section of MYGS, scroll to the bottom and you will see Communications Opt-Ins for SMS (text), Email, Phone, and a check box to allow photo permissions.
Donations to Troops and Service Units
Please remember that if you are asking for troop donations from a company or organization, you must complete the Donation/Sponsorship Form and email it to before asking for a donation. This step is important so the fund development department can approve the requests and avoid multiple troops asking the same donor for support, and to keep in line with financial requirements as a nonprofit. When in doubt, always email Shelby-Allison or Mollie for assistance on a donation from an organization. We want to see you succeed and ensure the smoothest process possible for helping your troop!
Also, please remember that troops and service units cannot apply for grants using the council’s Tax ID number due to rules regarding nonprofit organizations. If you see an opportunity, please reach out to for assistance.
Coming soon – the Troop Donation/Sponsorship form will be available as an online form instead of the fillable PDF that needs to be printed, filled out and then scanned!
Fall Product Nut and Candy Deliveries
Girl Scouts should now be delivering products to customers and collecting money. For online girl-delivered orders, caregivers can download a report from M2OS detailing customer order and contact information. Also, during this time remind Girl Scouts and caregivers it’s best practice to not hold onto large amounts of money and to turn money into the troop frequently. In turn, troops should make deposits frequently as well. Troop product managers should always count money with the caregiver as soon as it is turned in and provide a receipt. Final Girl Scout money should be turned in no later than December 1. If a balance remains after this date, troops should complete the Caregiver Outstanding Balance form and submit it with supporting documentation to product program staff by the deadline.
Upcoming Program Dates Dec. 1 | Caregive Outstanding Balance Forms due to product program staff Dec. 8 | Troop draft
Cookie Program
The 2024 Cookie Program will be here before we know it. Troops can get a head start on setting cookie sales goals and creating plans for using cookie proceeds by getting a sneak peek at the 2024 troop cookie proceeds structure.
Base proceeds: $0.80 per package Tiered proceeds: must reach 350+ PGA: + $0.10 per package Rewards opt-out (majority CSA troops only): +$0.10 per package Max proceeds earnable: $1.00 per package
Cookie Program Key Dates Dec 2 | SUPM Cookie Training Jan 12 | 2024 Cookie program begins (order card + Digital Cookie) Jan 28 | Order card sales end Feb 16-23 | Service unit deliveries Feb 23 | Booths begin Mar 17 | Booths and Digital Cookie end
Say Yes to the Vest!
Girl Scout Office/Shop | Rogers and Little Rock Dec 9 | 10am-2pm
Cookie season is right around the corner and we want to make sure your uniform is ready! Wear your uniform and receive a uniform check-up. If your uniform has all the appropriate insignia, you will receive a free fun patch and uniform check-up certificate. To sweeten the deal, receive 20% off ALL full-price merchandise! You can expect holiday and cookie-themed merchandise.
Skip the lines by sending your order to by Dec. 4.
Meet Joanna!
Say "Hi" to Joanna Krussel! Joanna is our new retail sales and operations specialist. She is based in Little Rock but is here to serve all Girl Scouts – Diamonds retail customers.
Joanna is mom to four young adults and a big orange cat and enjoys camping, hiking and painting. She has a retail background and a cosmetology license, and still does hair for a few lucky, long-time clients. Joanna was a Girl Scout for 8 years and a leader for 3 years.
Her favorite shop item is the little charm bracelets and charms. Stop by or call Joanna and she'll be happy to talk charms and all other things Girl Scout merch! Send her your retail questions and merchandise order inquiries to
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Update Profile