End of Cookie Season, Summer Camp, and a Girl Scout Astronaut!
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March 2024
News from GSSI
Thank you to everyone who helped make our 2024 Cookie Program successful!
A few reminders:
Please make sure to get the final paperwork and your troop’s recognition order completed by Tuesday, March 12. The final paperwork needs to go to your Service Unit Cookie Chair.
Surveys will be sent out at the end of March to get feedback on our past program. Your voice matters, and we would love to hear from you!
Recognitions will arrive in mid-April to your Service Unit Cookie Chair. Troops will need to coordinate with their SUCC to pick up their recognitions. Please make sure to get these out in a timely manner.
If your troop is receiving a cookie bonus check, these will be sent out at the end of May.
Stay Tuned for 2024 Cookie Celebrities and the 2025 Mascot Announcement!!
Voting is Open for the Bling Your Booth Contest
Now that cookie season is over; it is time to vote for the Bling Your Booth contest! The top three vote-getting troops will win a gift certificate to the council shop (1st: $60, 2nd: $40, 3rd: $20). Voting starts today, Friday, March 8, and will close on Wednesday, March 13, at 11:59 PM CDT. Winners will be announced on Friday, March 15, 2024, on GSSI's social media.
Summer Camps 2024
Summer is quickly approaching, and that means it's time for camp! Join Girl Scouts this summer by participating in your local day camp and/or attending one (or more) of the camp sessions at GSSI's Camp Koch.
Visit our website to learn more and stay updated on all things day camp and overnight camp at Camp Koch, as new information will be shared shortly, and registration for summer 2024 will open soon!
Spring Promotion for GSSI Shop
Spring cleaning is upon us, and the GSSI Shop is joining in on this yearly tradition with a sale! From March 1 to April 1, when you spend $75 or more in the retail shop, you'll get a designated amount off your purchase.
Visit our shop in Evansville soon to get the best discounts! Can't make it in? No worries! Online and pre-orders are accepted Monday through Friday and may be placed by email or phone for FREE shipping or pick-up!
NOTE: This promotion is only valid in the GSSI Shop, not online with GSUSA purchases.
A New Way to Celebrate Highest Awards is Coming Soon!
This year, we are excited to unveil a fun new way to celebrate your Silver & Bronze Award achievements with your troop with our new Award Celebration-in-a-Box kits. These kits will replace the Highest Awards Ceremony and offer a more personalized and fun way to honor your Girl Scouts' hard work. To elevate the prestige of the Gold Award, we will now only host a Gold Award Banquet for graduating Gold Award Girl Scouts. This year's event will be held on May 11 at the Evansville Country Club; invitations will be sent soon. All awardees will also be recognized in our annual awards publication, which will be released in October.
Details of the new celebration kits are coming soon. For questions, contact Megan Lane, Girl Experience Specialist, at mlane@girlscouts-gssi.org.
March Social Media Challenge
Let’s kick off Women's History Month with a challenge! All month, GSSI wants to hear about how you are making an impact and how your troop is tapping into its change-making abilities. So, tell us about your Take Action project, volunteer activities, or participation in local events. Together, we can show people what a girl can do and, more specifically, what Girl Scouts can accomplish!
Send your stories and photos to Hannah Minasian at hminasian@girlscouts-gssi.org, then share your stories online, tag GSSI on social media, and use these special hashtags! #WomensHistoryMonth #WhatAGirlCanDo #GirlScoutsSWIN
Nominate a Volunteer for a GSSI Adult Award
GSSI offers several awards for deserving adult volunteers each year. Awards include the Community Award, the Behind the Scenes Award, the Innovator Award, the Rising Star Award, and the Shining Star Award. Anyone can nominate a volunteer, with nominations due by April 1. Award recipients will be recognized at the GSSI Annual Meeting on April 16, 2024.
Darkness to Light’s "Stewards of Children" What: GSSI is partnering with the Lampion Center to present Darkness to Light's Stewards of Children to adults in our community. This evidence-informed, award-winning training teaches adults practical actions they can take to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. When: Tuesday, April 2, 2024, 5:30 - 8:30 PM CDT Where: GSSI Office - Evansville, IN Cost: FREE Registration: Due by Thursday, March 28, 2024
Summer Program Facilitator: This part-time role provides girls with The Girl Scout Leadership Experience by facilitating programs at schools and community organizations during the summer. This role is perfect for college students or retirees! APPLY NOW
Membership Specialist: This role will lead the development and execution of girl and adult membership recruitment and retention, as well as support volunteers throughout the year. APPLY NOW
Women of Distinction 2024
Every April, GSSI hosts Women of Distinction, an annual event recognizing female leaders and organizations making positive impacts in the community. This year, the event will focus on what Girl Scouts has learned from its statewide collaboration with the six Girl Scout councils serving Indiana called the Girl Coalition of Indiana (Girl Co.). The event will also focus on and uplift the individuals and organizations in our community working to improve girls' lives through Physical, Academic, Emotional, and Social Wellness.
Email Megan Stillwell at mstillwell@girlscouts-gssi.org for questions or sponsorship opportunities.
Astronaut and Girl Scout Alum- Joan Higginbtoham
Join the University of Southern Indiana for their Solarpalooza events, including this Innovative Speaker event with Astronaut and Girl Scout Alum Joan Higginbotham before the total solar eclipse on April 8!
Joan Higginbotham will take the stage at the Screaming Eagles Arena at 7 PM on Sunday, April 7, for her presentation, “Breaking Barriers: An Astronaut’s Inspiring & Winding Road to Space,” followed by a moderated Q&A. This is a FREE event and is open to the public. Doors will open at 6 PM. Girl Scouts who attend this event will receive a FREE patch honoring Joan and her achievements and will sit in a special VIP section!
Disney on Ice: Encanto & Frozen What: Step inside the magical adventures of Disneys Frozen and Encanto as they are brought to life like never before at Disney On Ice! Hosted by Mickey and Minnie, invite your family and friends to sing along to your favorite songs and celebrate the power of love and courage at Disney On Ice presents Frozen & Encanto the show everyone will be talking about! When: March 14-17, 2024, evening performances at 7:00 PM Where: Ford Center, Evansville, IN Cost: Special Discount- $18 for Girl Scouts & families (Children under age 2 are free)
Girl Scout Day with the Evansville Thunderbolts What: Girl Scouts, volunteers, and their families are invited to cheer on the Evansville Thunderbolts as they take on the Peoria Rivermen! When: March 22, 2024, at 7:00 PM CDT Where: Ford Center, Evansville, IN Cost: $10 for all Girl Scouts, volunteers, and families.
Check out our event calendar for more upcoming programs!
With your support, they shine. Give today.
Investing in Girl Scouts is an investment in making our community better, stronger, and brighter. Your gift will be used to ensure local Girl Scouts gain the skills and confidence needed to accept challenges, overcome obstacles, and become leaders. Plus, every dollar you give stays right here in our community.
Follow GSSI on Social Media!
Click the buttons below to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, and then go to TikTok to watch our girl-focused content!
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