ICYMI: NEW GSCSA Volunteer Handbook
Please take a look at the updated GSCSA Volunteer Handbook, located on the Volunteer Resources page of our website. Familiarize yourself with our council's volunteer policies and expectations, as well as detailed volunteer position descriptions.
NEW REQUIREMENT All prospective and current operational volunteers with banking responsibilities (i.e., bank signers on a bank account), are required to give authorization for GSCSA to obtain a soft credit check using one or more third party vendors. This credit check is not a report that will reflect on a credit rating report. Any new volunteer for this membership year will be checked and, moving forward, it will be done for new volunteers on bank accounts and existing volunteers on bank accounts during their 3-year background check.
The year is "Marching" right along towards summer! Registration for our summer resident camp at Camp Tanasi is still open. View program offerings on our website and grab your spot today.
Hiring for Camp
Are you looking for a summer job that will leave you with a sense of empowerment, a positive outlook on life, and skills that will benefit you for years to come? Apply for a summer camp position with GSCSA! We are especially looking for Camp Counselors, Lifeguards, and Kitchen Team Members.
SuperSheros Day Camp at Wildwood
We'll be hosting a day camp for all levels at Camp Wildwood July 17-21.
Bring your brave, kind, true self to Camp Wildwood for a week of fun! This year we are focusing on our inner super-sheroes who make the world a better place. So in short, we're focusing on YOU! Join us for five days of Girl Scout traditions including badge work, silly songs, flag ceremonies, arts and crafts, and sisterhood! Registration is now open.
We will also need volunteers, Program Aides, and CITs to help out. If you are interested or have questions, please contact Lynnea Salinas.
Girl Scouts Celebrate Faith during Girl Scout Week
Girl Scout Week is here and that means it's time to celebrate with our faith communities! Girl Scouts Celebrate Faith festivities are a great way for Girl Scouts to be recognized at their houses of worship. They're also the perfect time to thank your volunteers and faith partners for their support. Celebration dates for 2023:
Girl Scout Sunday—Sunday, March 12, 2023
Girl Scout Jummah—Friday, March 17, 2023
Girl Scout Sabbath/Shabbat—Friday, March 17 – Saturday, March 18, 2023
There are lots of ways to celebrate with your faith partners. Celebrate with worship services, pre- and post-service events, or service projects. Get started with resources to help you plan, including virtual options.
Girl Scouts of Southern Appalachians invites all Girl Scouts and friends to join us for our third annual Reach for the Peaks, March 4-19. RFTP is an event where Girl Scout members and non-members alike, can hike on their terms AND support their local Girl Scouts.
Registration is now open (button below). Share this information with any family or friends who'd be interested in a fun way to support your Girl Scouts!
Council-Led Hikes In honor of Girl Scout week, the Girl Scouts of Southern Appalachians will be hosting three hikes open to members and non-members alike. There is no additional fee to participate in any of these three hikes, however, registration is required.
Please Note: Only participants who have also registered separately as a Reach for the Peaks Independent Hiker (non-member or member) will receive a Reach for the Peaks patch and knapsack.
All hikes are on Saturday, March 11.
Appalachian Highlands Region
Steele Creek Park 4 Little Ln., Bristol, TN 37620 10:00am (Registration Deadline Mar. 7) Learn More & Register >>>
East Tennessee Region
Camp Tanasi 123 Dark Hollow Road N, Andersonville, TN 37705 1:00pm (Registration Deadline Mar. 5) Learn More & Register >>>
Tennessee Valley & North Georgia Region
*LOCATION CHANGE* Enterprise South Nature Park 190 Still Hollow Loop Road, Chattanooga, TN 37416 11:00am (Registration Deadline Mar. 8) Learn More & Register >>>
Joyce Maienschein Leadership Grant
Cadettes, Seniors, or Ambassadors who are working on a community service, take action project, or High Award can apply for a Joyce Maienschein Leadership Grant to help make their dream a reality. Not only can the girls receive funding for up to $500, but they gain life skills like writing, budgeting, organization, and teamwork. It's a win-win!
Easy Way to Support GSCSA
Register your Kroger Plus Card and the purchases you make will benefit us every time you swipe it. Just search for Girl Scout Council of the Southern App. Inc.
Be Seen in Your Community
Troop 22195 collected over 500 pounds of food for the Roane County School System food pantry! Even with the freezing weather these girls stuck it out and had a great time during their food drive.
Share your stories and photos with us at socialmedia@girlscoutcsa.org. Please include a brief description (including date/location) of the event and/or project depicted, as well as the troop number(s).
Chattanooga Symphony & Opera, a new partner of GSCSA’s, is doing a Musician Badge workshop on Mar. 25 for Junior Girl Scouts at the Memorial Auditorium.
Girls will earn their “Musician” badge through this unique experience. During the workshop, girls will learn about conducting from the CSO Assistant Conductor, make their own conducting batons and musical instruments, and attend an exclusive performance by the Chattanooga Symphony.
Upcoming Events
Now-Dec. 9: Read City USA "All Together Now" 2023 Tour – Knox County Mar. 6: Business Creator - Kingsport Area Mar. 7: Dolly Parton's Coat of Many Colors Patch Virtual Workshop Mar. 8: Get Into Girl Scouts - Knoxville Area Mar. 9: Museum Brownie Making Games Badge Workshop - Knoxville Mar. 9: Brownie Painting Badge Workshop - Chattanooga Mar. 9: A Walk Though Women's History - Johnson City Mar. 9: New Volunteer Orientation Online Mar. 11: Cadette Think Like an Engineer Journey Workshop - Chattanooga Mar. 11: Reach for the Peaks - Johnson City Mar. 11: Reach for the Peaks Hike - Chattanooga Mar. 11: Reach for the Peaks Hike: Raccoon Run - Camp Tanasi Mar. 14: Get Into Girl Scouts - Johnson City Area Mar. 14: First Aid, CPR, and AED for Adults and Children - Knoxville Mar. 15: Gold Award Interviews - Chattanooga Mar. 16: Gold Award Interviews - Knoxville Mar. 18: Girl Program Mentor Training Johnson City Mar. 18: Troop Administrator Training Johnson City Mar. 20: Entrepreneur Badge for Sen. & Amb. - Kingsport Area Mar. 21: Bronze Award Training - Knoxville Mar. 21: First Aid, CPR, and AED for Adults and Children - Chattanooga Mar. 21: Gold Award Training - Knoxville Mar. 21: Silver Award Training - Knoxville Mar. 23: Beautiful, Inside & Out! Johnson City area Mar. 25: Art Hike (A Walk in the Woods) - Gatlinburg Mar. 25: Love Your Camp: Camp Tanasi Mar. 25: Junior Musician Badge Workshop - Chattanooga Mar. 26: Wildflower Hike (A Walk in the Woods) - Gatlinburg Mar. 28: Digital Movie Maker Badge Workshop (UTK School of Journalism and Electronic Media) - Knoxville Mar. 30: Get Into Girl Scouts - VIRTUAL Apr. 1-30: Titanic Museum Attraction's Tribute to Girl Scouts - Pigeon Forge Apr. 1: Girl Scout S'mores and Songs - Chattanooga Apr. 1: Hiking Club: Harrison Bay State Park Apr. 1: Mystery Badge Workshop -- Knoxville -- D/B/J Apr. 1: Fossil Fools' Day! - Johnson City Apr. 1: Mystery Badge Workshop -- Knoxville -- C/S/A Apr. 3: Get Into Girl Scouts - Knoxville Area Apr. 4: Coat of Many Colors Museum Badge Workshop - Knoxville Apr. 6: Get Into Girl Scouts - Johnson City Area Apr. 7: Trail Keeper Day - D, B, J - Johnson City Area Apr. 7: Trail Keeper Day - J, C, S, A - Johnson City Area Apr. 8: Architecture: Daisy-Junior Design a City (Beyond a Brick) - Knoxville
{Please refer to our online Activities Calendar for the most up-to-date event information.}
Shop Talk
Upcoming Open Shop Saturdays • Mar. 4, 10:00am-2:00pm • Apr. 1, 10:00am-2:00pm
Remember • 2022 Cookie Dough expires Apr. 30, 2023. So come in and shop before it's too late!
Online-Only Specials • Mar. 1: Girl Scout Week Celebration - $10 Off $75+, $20 off $125+, $40 off $200+ (Excludes Uniforms, Earned Award, Customization, and Gift Certificates) • Mar. 8-14: Trefoil Fun Finds, Toys, and Games - 10% Off Purchase of $60+ • Mar. 15-21: St Patrick's Day Sale - 17% Off Purchase $75+ (Excludes Uniforms, Earned Award, Customization, and Gift Certificates)
Shop online anytime!
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