CPR/First Aid Training
We have exciting news! We received a grant to offer CPR training at 50% off for Girl Scout adult volunteers! Upcoming opportunities to get certified in CPR/First Aid/AED include February 3 (Central) and February 10 (Northwest).
Adults and girls (age 11 or older) who are Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors can attend this training and receive their Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED certification. This is a hybrid training with online coursework and an in-person skills test. This training meets First-Aider criteria for adult members and leaders needing the certification for troop travel.
Service units interested in hosting a CPR training should email. The same grant funding will be available to offer this training at 50% off for adult volunteers.
Smile Squad Patch Program
February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, and we are proud to share we have again received a grant from the Delta Dental of Arkansas Foundation for the support of dental education for Girl Scouts.
This funding allows us to provide 400 dental kits for Daisies and Brownies this year.
We would love for your troop to join us on the journey to oral health. Girls will receive one dental kit (toothbrush, toothpaste, timer, floss, and brushing chart) and one Delta Dental Smile Squad patch.
Work with your girls January-March to complete the Delta Dental Smile Patch Program and make it part of your troop activities this spring. In April, we will send out a simple survey link for girls to complete (with the support of their caregiver) about their experience completing the program.
Patch kits are available in each regional office and can be picked up or mailed to you at your convenience. We recognize that your troop may include older girls. We have a limited number of additional kits you can pick up for them as well. We ask that you ensure that all girls who receive a kit also complete the patch program and document their brushing on the chart.
Kits will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Priority will be given to troops with Daisies and Brownies. We also want to give priority to girls who did not participate in this program last year.
Email us to request a Smile Squad Patch Program Guide and kits for your troop.
Upcoming Survey
We will launch the second Troop Leader Survey in early February. Please be on the lookout for this email from your volunteer experience specialist. Thank you for your continued participation, insight, and suggestions. As always, there will be a drawing for winners!
Presidential Volunteer Service Award
It’s time for troop leaders and service unit volunteers to count their volunteer hours for the 2023 calendar year! The Presidential Volunteer Service Award is available for Girl Scout adult volunteers serving a minimum of 100 hours between January and December 2023. The PVSA can be submitted via our online form. Our new submission deadline is February 1. Contact
Girl Scouts of the USA Licensed Products
We know some of our entrepreneurial Girl Scouts and volunteers have concerns regarding having cookie-inspired products on retail shelves during the cookie season. Research has shown that over 60% of cookie customers are more likely to purchase Girl Scout Cookies when they see licensed products in stores. Licensed products also engage supporters by keeping Girl Scouts and Girl Scout Cookies top of mind throughout the year.
Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) licenses its intellectual property, the trademarks it owns, and its cookie flavors to drive consumer engagement, raise awareness of and affinity for our brand, generate funding for the mission, and amplify our reach through the licensees’ marketing investments. No new food products are launched or marketed during the national cookie season to ensure the focus stays on our entrepreneurs. GSUSA’s national marketing efforts and partnerships from January to March are focused on supporting girls’ sales and Daisy/Brownie member recruitment.
World Thinking Day
Join your fellow Girl Scouts and Girl Guides from over 150 countries around the world to celebrate World Thinking Day! The best part is, you don’t need to wait until February to get started. Download the FREE Girl Scouts World Thinking Day activity guide and see how your troop can learn their thoughts are more powerful than they think!
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