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Girl Scouts - Diamonds of Arkansas Oklahoma and Texas
January-July 2024 Program Guide
It’s here, your guide to Girl Scout program offerings from January-July 2024. Flip through it with your troop and pick out some great activities!
Summer Camp Registration Opens January 8, 2024!
We are very excited to transition to CampDocs as our registration system, not just for health forms, but also for summer camp registration. We expect a full camp this summer at Camp NOARK, so register early to ensure your Girl Scout has a spot in her desired session! Check out the camp guide here.

Registration for transportation from Little Rock to Camp NOARK opens at the same time as camp and has limited seats. Camp deposits ($50 per session) must already be paid to secure a transportation spot. Email camp@girlscoutsdiamonds.org with any questions.
CPR/First Aid Training
We have exciting news! We received a grant to offer CPR training at 50% off for Girl Scout adult volunteers!

Upcoming opportunities to get certified in CPR/First Aid/AED include January 13 (Midwest), February 3 (Central), and February 10 (Northwest).
Adults and girls (age 11 or older) who are Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors can attend this training and receive their Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED certification. This is a hybrid training with online coursework and an in-person skills test. This training meets First-Aider criteria for adult members and leaders needing the certification for troop travel.

Service units interested in hosting a CPR training should email training@girlscoutsdiamonds.org.
Plan Ahead: Older Girl Retreat at Crowley’s Ridge
Girl Scouts in the 9th-12th grades are invited to register for an older Girl Scout retreat April 19-21 just for them! Girl Scouts will have the chance to connect with other older Girl Scouts in our council and have fun while earning and learning about our new mental health badges. Registration opens February 26. Email bdugger@girlscoutsdiamonds.org with any questions.
Destinations Travel
Have you heard of Girl Scout Destinations? They’re the ultimate adventure for Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors—and the perfect way to meet new friends from across the USA. Experiencing new places, whether near or far, can change your life, especially when you get to experience those places with other Girl Scouts! View all the trips available (including our council’s trip for Summer 2025) on the GSUSA Destinations website and then visit our website for scholarship opportunities to help fund your trip!

Destinations Scholarship
Important! Once you have applied for and been accepted to your destination of choice, visit our website to apply for the Diamonds destination scholarship. Deadline to apply is January 14, 2024. For questions about the scholarship process reach out to program@girlscoutsdiamonds.org.
World Thinking Day Badges
Did you know that each year GSUSA releases a new guide to earning the World Thinking Day (WTD) badges? There are only four steps with three activity choices to choose from, with a guide for DBJ and one for CSA. The program team finds this is an affordable, educational, and fun way to earn the WTD badges each year with their troops. Have questions on how to make it work for your troop or a service unit event? Email program@girlscoutsdiamonds.org and we would be happy to email or chat on the phone about the program.
Equine Lessons
Looking for a great Christmas present? The Diamonds equine program has just opened up for afterschool lessons for a little more than half the industry standard price! Book your spot for winter and spring sessions. Contact us barn@girlscoutsdiamonds.org to learn more.
Rodeo Expo
Shhhhhhhhhh. Save the Date! We have a BIG festival/rodeo expo coming April 27. Ja’dayia Kursh, rodeo queen and a friend of our equine program, is bringing her queen friends for a Saturday packed full of fun. Professional photo shoots, reigning and dressage exhibitions, petting zoo, kiss a pig, goat dressing contests and more. More information coming after the New Year!
New for 2024: Online Troop Donation Approval Form
When making a request for an approval of a donation to your troop, complete this online form for a quicker process. This contains the same information as the previous PDF form, but we hope that this is more accessible and makes your life easier. If you prefer the paper form or fillable PDF, that is still available to troop leaders. Simply complete and email to funddevelopment@girlscoutsdiamonds.org.
Presidential Volunteer Service Award
It’s time for troop leaders and service unit volunteers to count their volunteer hours for the 2023 calendar year! The Presidential Volunteer Service Award is available for Girl Scout adult volunteers serving a minimum of 100 hours between January and December 2023. The PVSA can be submitted via our online form available beginning December 15 on our website. Our submission deadline will be February 1. For questions, please email recognitions@girlscoutsdiamonds.org.
Opt-In for Communications
A lot of fun is on the horizon with cookies and winter/spring events and we don’t want you to miss out on email and text communications! Girl Scout members must opt-in for communications from the council – receiving council newsletters and important reminders is NOT the default setting. In the My Profile section of MYgs, scroll to the bottom and you will see Communications Opt-Ins for SMS (text), Email and Phone and a check box to allow photo permissions.
Horse Program Growing
Our herd is growing! We have a handful of new horses to announce. Be sure to watch our Facebook page to see the introductions of our new team members.

We’re growing quickly and the facility is growing with us. We’re raising the bleachers for better arena viewing, we’ve lit the arena so we can ride longer hours during the day, we are building structures for our expanding herd, and the list goes on. Come see us and all the improvements you’ve helped inspire!

We’ve had a lot of improvements and upgrades at our properties recently as well. Be sure to keep an eye out for them at Camp NOARK, Burnham Woods and Radford House!
Caregivers and Non-Members at Troop Meetings
Last month, we shared the exciting news about Girl Scouts Activity Accident enhancement for Basic Plan 1 insurance to cover non-members. What does this mean for adults and caregivers invited to troop meetings and troop functions? If attending troop meetings or functions more than a couple times a year, caregivers should be registered and complete a background check. Adults sitting in the room and not engaging with the troop would not require membership; however, adults actively working with the troop, providing support, and interacting directly with girls should be registered and background-checked members. Reach out to info@girlscoutsdiamonds.org if you have any questions.
Resource Update Delay
The updated Volunteer Essentials and Member Policies and Procedures are slated for board review in January. We apologize for this unforeseen delay in providing these materials to you.
Rewards Deliveries
The 2023 Fall Product rewards are on their way! Physical rewards ship to Service Unit Product Managers who will disperse to troops. Troops will then disperse to Girl Scouts. It is recommended that troops use reward delivery tickets in M2OS when sorting and dispersing rewards. If any Girl Scouts selected Online Diamonds Dollars as a reward, those will be emailed directly to the troop leader. Troops will then need to forward those to the Girl Scout’s caregiver.
Cookie Program
The 2024 Cookie Program is right around the corner! Be sure you save the dates below on your calendar for a successful cookie season.

Cookie Program Key Dates
Jan 12 | 2024 Cookie program begins (order card + Digital Cookie)
Jan 28 | Order card sales end
Feb 16-23 | Service unit deliveries
Feb 23 | Booths begin
Mar 17 | Booths and Digital Cookie end
Cookies n’ Commerce Retail Event
Saturday, January 13, 10am-2pm
Rogers and Little Rock retail store locations.

Eat Cookies. Set Goals. Buy Merchandise. Win Prizes. It’s going to be busy! Skip the line by emailing your order to retail@girlscoutsdiamonds.org by January 8.
Be sure to specify the shop location.

Trolls Band Together with Girl Scouts

Girl Scouts and DreamWorks are teaming up to explore the Girl Scout Law in a whole new way: from a Troll’s-eye view! Trolls are cheerful, helpful, caring, responsible, brave, and so much more. In other words, they’re a lot like Girl Scouts!
Trolls activity sheet

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1719 Merrill Drive Little Rock , AR 72212