Summer Overnight Camp at Camp NOARK
Staff are hired and camp is happening (no cancellations here, folks!). We want to get your Girl Scout out to NOARK to make some amazing summer camp memories! Spots are still available for every grade level. Registration closes May 5, no late registrations. Girl Scouts and non-Girl Scouts are welcome to attend, so invite a buddy! Explore the camp sessions.
Register for camp.
Email with questions. Need help with registration? Email or call 800-632-6894.
Camp NOARK Open House, May 20
Camp NOARK's Open House is the perfect time to show your camper around our beautiful camp. Come and see all of our improvements and what your lodging will look like for summer camp. You will even get to meet summer camp staff! Wear your close-toed walking shoes and bring the whole family or troop to this free event! Sign up here.
GirlBots Scheduled in Midwest Region for June 24!
Daisies and Brownies will earn their Design a Robot badge. Juniors through Ambassadors will begin their robot badges to complete later with their troops. All levels will also receive ABB Stem Kits and badges to complete with their troops or on their own.
GirlBots will be held in Fort Smith. Register by June 15; $2 per girl, free for registered Girl Scout adults.
Sesson 1: 10:30am-12pm - Daisies and Brownies Session 2: 1:30-3pm - Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors
STEAM Center Day Camp
Join us for a fun week of day camp at Burnham Woods and the STEAM Center from July 17-21 with NEW extended hours 9am-5pm. Girls will experience hands-on activities and skill building opportunities in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math) fields and the outdoors. During camp, girls will participate in a badge series or Journey.
Register here! Email if you have questions.
Badge Day with Wild Birds Unlimited
Join Wild Birds Unlimited as they partner with the Museum of Native American History on May 27, 9-11am. Brownies will participate in activities to earn the Senses badge and Juniors will earn their Animal Habitat badge. Register here.
This is not a drop off event. A troop leader or caregiver should plan to stay to supervise Girl Scout. You can attend as an individual or with your troop. Spots are limited to 50 people (including adults).
Magic Springs Discount for Girl Scouts
During Girl Scout Fun Days at Magic Springs July 8-16, Girl Scout troops and families will receive a discounted admission rate of $24.99 + tax per person, a savings of over 55%. This discount is available ONLINE ONLY. Radford House Discount Need a place to stay when visiting Magic Springs? Girl Scouts - Diamonds is offering a 25% discount off the already reduced Girl Scout troop/family rate for any reservations at Radford House made from July 1-23. The Radford House property is only 11 minutes from Magic Springs. Use promo code “GIRLSCOUTS” when making your Radford House reservation here or call 800-632-6894.
Archery Equipment Rental – NE and NW
Archery kits are available to rent! These kits are available at Camp NOARK and the Northeast Arkansas office. These can be rented for $25 per 4 hours. Email to reserve the kit. You must have your own certified archery instructor to rent the equipment. Be prepared to submit their certification at the time of the rental request.
Arvest Naturals Girl Scout Nights
The Northwest Arkansas Naturals invites Girl Scouts to Girl Scout Nights, May 6, 6:35 pm and September 1, 7:05 pm. Those attending will receive a commemorative patch for all girls and leaders. All Girl Scouts attending will also receive a Whataburger coupon. There will be a post-game firework show, and Girl Scouts are invited to stay for the post-game movie and overnight campout in the Arvest ballpark field. Tickets are $10 per person. Find registration information here.
Twilight Camps Presented by Evergreen Service Unit
The Evergreen Service Unit invites you to Into Adventure Twilight Camp for fun, adventure and service in two locations. For details and registration information, please email Billie Dadgar
Each Twilight Camp is from 6:30-9pm each night.
Magnolia | June 6-9 Hope | June 13-16
Horse Programming at Camp NOARK
Parents Day Out at the Barn | Adults | May 13 Summer Day Camp (Day 1) | DBJC | July 17
Upcoming Events
GirlBots | NE | DBJCSAV | May 13 More spots available! Camp NOARK Open House | NW | DBJCSAV | May 20 VOII |MW | AV | May 21 GirlBots | MW | DBJCSAV | June 24
Mark Your Calendar
2nd Saturday Shop Day When: Saturday, May 13, 10am-2pm Where: Little Rock AND Rogers store locations
Email orders to by EOB Monday, May 8 for a speedier shopping experience.
Girl Scout Asian American Pacific Islander History Month Patch The Girl Scout Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month Fun Patch is designed for Girl Scouts of all levels and their leaders, to celebrate the cultural richness of all people in the U.S. whose ancestors came from the Pacific Islands or the Asian diaspora, and to acknowledge the many contributions of the AAPI community to our nation. Girls and leaders have plenty of activities to choose from to earn this patch.
Activity Sheet Activity Sheet Spanish Asian American Patch Trefoil Center Patch
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