Hello GS families! We have news and info to share with you.
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Hello from the CEO
The mission of Girl Scouts is to “build girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place”. This influences everything Girl Scouts does, from badges offered to program partners to national service projects.
Maybe you’ve noticed this “courage, confidence, and character” reflected in the actions of your own Girl Scout. She doesn’t give up on tough homework assignments easily. She cheers her siblings on. She’s more willing to help with chores. She has friends of all kinds and treats them all the same. She’s open to sharing her big ideas and listening to the ideas of others. And whether it’s the great outdoors, technology, outer space, or the arts, she’s eager to explore.
The courage, confidence, and character she’s gaining today will stick with her for life, and you can support her along the way! Whether that’s through becoming a Girl Scout volunteer, helping her pack for her first summer camp stay, driving her to badge workshops that feature her passion, or cheering her on as she earns a Girl Scout High Award, your Girl Scout will know you have her back. After all, that’s what a Girl Scout family is for.
Girl Scouts in Action
Girls from a Lee County, VA, troop recently took a tour of their local library and signed up for their very first library cards. Upon leaving, the girls checked out the "Little Free Library" there and noticed it was completely empty. They then organized a book drive and filled the free library full, with enough books left over to fill it up three more times!
A troop from Seymour, TN, had the privilege of a private tour and educational session by two Great Smoky Mountains National Park volunteers during their camping trip to Elkmont in August. Doug Little and Sheila Evans, both NPS volunteers, explained what life was like at Elkmont during the pre-park days. A walking tour of Daisy Town was given. After the tour, the group walked to the Jakes Creek Cemetery at Elkmont where Girl Scout Victoria L. explained to everyone about the history of the cemetery and what Decoration Day (homecoming) means to the descendants of the Elkmont community, of which she is one. The troop also assisted with cleaning of the Veterans tombstones and several other stones at the Jakes Creek Cemetery at an event organized by the Veterans Heritage Site Foundation. Their goal is to clean all the Veterans stones in the park and put flags and wreaths on their graves yearly.
A Ringgold, GA, troop spent this summer going through the “Year in the Life of Juliette” patch program to prepare themselves for a Savannah trip next year. They opted to take the "Friend of Flowers" rocker set to the next level by rehabilitating a local pollinator garden at the Little General Park in Ringgold - originally installed by Connect to Protect. Leaders worked with local government and a local nursey to have supplies donated. They had three local master gardeners come to teach girls about native plants, invasive plants, the importance of pollinators, and pollinator gardens.
GSCSA Food Drive 2022
Our annual Food Drive was once again a success! THANK YOU to everyone who donated.
AppHigh Region donated 848lbs of food (which equals to 707 meals) to Second Harvest of Northeast TN
EastTN Region donated 1,414lbs of food (1,178 meals) to Second Harvest of East TN
TN Vally & North GA Region donated 1,500lbs of food (1,250 meals) to the Chattanooga Food Bank
Cookie News
Mark Your Calendars: Cookie Booths Feb. 10 - Mar. 5, 2023
Have you heard? There's a new cookie coming! Raspberry Rally is a thin, crispy cookie infused with raspberry flavor and dipped in the same chocolaty coating that covers our Thin Mints. Something else special about it is that it'll only be available through Digital Cookie! Customers won't be able to get it at booths; they can only order it online for direct shipment beginning Feb. 27, 2023.
Girl Scouts of Southern Appalachians invites all Girl Scouts and friends to join for our third annual Reach for the Peaks! RFTP is an event where participants, both Girl Scout members and non-members, can hike on their terms AND support their local Girl Scouts.
Participants can hike the highest peaks or just around their neighborhood, accomplish 3.12 (our birthday!) miles, or set their own distance goal. Hikers can hike individually or go as a group.
Our 2023 Reach for the Peaks will take place over two weeks, March 4-19. Registration is now open!
Girl Scout Summer Camp is the place for the girl who wants something special out of her summer. It’s where she can be herself, try new things, pick up some skills, make new friends, and discover what’s so great about the “great outdoors”!
Summer Camp 2023 registration is now open. Spots fill up quickly so it’s best to register early. If you register by Feb. 10, you’ll also receive the Early Bird discount of $50 off your chosen program!
Grown-Ups: Become a Girl Scout Adult Member
Grown-ups, did you know that you can also join Girl Scouts? Joining either as a volunteer or just as an adult member is a great way to further support your girl in her Girl Scout journey. When you volunteer or participate in activities with your girl, you’ll help her:
• Enjoy amazing new experiences • Make new friends and become more confident • Discover different skills and interests in a safe, nurturing environment
Your involvement and support will help shape your girl's experience. She'll see your commitment to her growth, and before you know it, you'll be growing, too. Many parents tell us that their relationship with their daughter has deepened since participating in Girl Scouts.
Raising Awesome Girls
These articles from GSUSA can help you raise your girls to be full of courage, confidence, and character!
4 Ways to Raise a Strong Girl in Today’s World
6 Tricks to Make Her More Confident Today
Kindness is Her Superpower
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