Welcome to GSSI's Weekly Volunteer Update!
GSSI Office and Shop CLOSED this Thursday
The GSSI Office and Shop will be closed this Thursday, July 4. We will resume regular business hours on Friday, July 5.
Coming Soon: Updated Permission Forms for 2024-2025
GSSI is updating permission forms for the 2024-2025 membership year to simplify troop management procedures for our volunteers. Please hold off on asking families to complete new Annual and Cookie Permission Forms.
Important Membership Reminders
Members who have not renewed for the 2024-2025 membership year may renew online through their myGS account or over the phone at (812) 421-4970. Co-leaders can confirm which troop members still need to renew by logging into their myGS account. If you need help logging into your myGS account, review our myGS login instructions and troubleshooting recommendations.
To check troop renewals on myGS, follow these steps: • Click “My Troop” • Scroll down to “Member details” • ACTIVE = individual has renewed for 2024-2025 • TIME TO RENEW = individual needs to renew for 2024-2025
Finance Reports 2023-2024 Finance Reports are PAST DUE. If you haven’t submitted your report, please send it to Kim Consley at kconsley@girlscouts-gssi.org.
Troop Update Form Co-leaders, please submit our 2024-2025 Troop Update Form as soon as possible; only one form is needed per troop. This will help staff provide you with the best troop experience in the upcoming year. Membership Specialists are making summer check-in calls to co-leaders to ensure everything is going well and that co-leaders are aware of this form.
The Trailblazer CAMPaign began in 2021 to raise funds to update and improve the Trailblazer campsite at Girl Scouts of Southwest Indiana's Camp Koch. The project includes building four furnished cabins, renovating the shelter house, and replacing the fire pit. Thanks to the generous support of our members and community, we have reached our funding goal of $50,000!
Project Progress Updates: •2022: A groundbreaking celebration was held in September. •2023: Construction on cabins 1 & 2 began. •2024: Construction on cabins 1 & 2 was completed, and the foundations for cabins 3 & 4 were completed, too. Personalized bricks from the Trailblazer Brick Campaign have gone into production.
Work on the cabins is currently on hold for the summer months to ensure the safety of the girls during summer camp sessions and to allow time for the increased maintenance schedule of camp during the summer. Work will resume this fall under the direction of Camp Ranger James Loveless and a team of skilled volunteers. We look forward to sharing more progress and completion in the coming months!
Don't miss the first-ever Girl Scout Day at New Harmony State Historic Site! Tour the historic hall of Community House #2 and learn about the two utopias that lived there and the renaissance of science, spirituality, and art that followed. Then, participate in their DIY Archaeology program, where girls will learn how archaeologists restore discovered artifacts by reconstructing their own Harmonist-inspired pottery pieces. Girl Scouts will earn a New Harmony patch for participating!
Registration closes this Friday, July 5!
New Date for Costa Rica Info Meeting
The info meeting for GSSI's Destinations trip to Costa Rica has been rescheduled for Tuesday, July 9, at 7:00 PM CDT. Members may attend in person or virtually. Girl Scouts can learn more about traveling to Costa Rica by visiting the trip page.
Volunteers, don't miss out on this adults-only event! Learn to tie-dye and create your own wearable art with Acclaim Graphics. The price includes all dyes, setup, gloves, t-shirts, and rinsing instructions to take home with you.
When: Saturday, July 27. Time slots are available at 1:00, 2:00, and 3:00, with a max of 12 participants per hour. Where: 908 N Garvin St, Evansville, IN (Enter through the orange double doors in the parking lot.) Cost: $10/shirt for adult sizes S-XL, $15/shirt for 2XL, and $20/shirt for 3XL and 4XL (plus a credit card processing fee per order of $2.50).
Registration closes next Friday, July 12!
Volunteer Toolkit Year Plans Reset July 15
Volunteer Toolkit (VTK) year plans will reset for the 2024-2025 membership year on Monday, July 15, so co-leaders can start planning for the new year! The 2023-2024 year plans will be archived and accessible, but troop attendance and achievements will NOT be saved. Co-leaders can download attendance and achievement records from the "My Troop" tab before July 15.
Contact Alyssa Miller at amiller@girlscouts-gssi.org with questions regarding the Volunteer Toolkit.
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities
Upcoming Girl Opportunities
Knox Day Camp at Vincennes University Thursday, July 11 - Friday, July 12
Girl Scout Family Swim Party at Burdette Park Saturday, July 13
A League of Their Own Night: Peaches vs. Belles Saturday, July 13
Girl Campfire Cookie Chat Sunday, July 14, from 1:00-2:00PM CT at the council office, email cookies@girlscouts-gssi.org to RSVP
Daviess/Martin/Pike Day Camp Saturday, July 19 - Sunday, July 20
Girl Scouts Love the Outdoors Fall Event at Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari Saturday, September 7 (register by August 11)
How to Get in Touch with Us
General questions & assistance: Email GSSI at support@girlscouts-gssi.org.
Volunteer events, training, and resources: Alyssa Miller, Volunteer Support & Training Manager, at amiller@girlscouts-gssi.org.
Membership questions and troop support: Contact your Membership Specialist based on the areas listed below.
Zone 1: membership1@girlscouts-gssi.org East River Vanderburgh, North Central Vanderburgh, All Warrick
Zone 2: membership2@girlscouts-gssi.org Gibson, Knox, Posey, North West Vanderburgh
Zone 3: membership3@girlscouts-gssi.org Daviess, Martin, Pike
Zone 4: membership4@girlscouts-gssi.org Dubois, Perry, Spencer
For additional membership support: Kim Consley, Director of Membership, at kconsley@girlscouts-gssi.org.
Show Us What You're Up To!
GSSI wants to know about the positive change that local Girl Scouts are creating so that we can spread their stories and their impact further. Tell us about your troop's Take Action project, volunteer activities, or participation in local events. Your girls could be featured on our website, social media, or future marketing materials!
Send your stories and photos to Hannah Minasian at hminasian@girlscouts-gssi.org. Be sure to include your troop number and details of the activities pictured.
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