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Girl Scouts of Southwest Indiana
Welcome to GSSI's Weekly Volunteer Update!
All girls in grades K-12 and their families are invited to join GSSI on Saturday, September 7, at Holiday World & Splashin Safari for our Girl Scouts Love the Outdoors Fall Event presented by Alcoa Foundation.

Thanks to the generosity of our wonderful donors, you can now enjoy a $10 discount on our original $60 ticket price for this event! Don't miss this incredible opportunity to have a fun-filled day at a reduced rate of $50 per ticket! If you hold a season pass, you may use your season pass for admission, and will also receive that $10 discount, bringing it from the original price of $25 to $15 to gain access to the event for the buffet lunch and Girl Scout program activities. Girls do not have to be Girl Scouts to attend, so be sure invite your friends!

The deadline to register is August 11, 2024.
Coming Soon: Updated Permission Forms for 2024-2025
GSSI is updating permission forms for the 2024-2025 membership year to simplify troop management procedures for our volunteers. Please hold off on asking families to complete new Annual and Cookie Permission Forms.
Upcoming Service Unit Meetings
Service units (SUs) consist of Girl Scout members who live in the same city or county. SUs provide opportunities for volunteers to connect, share experiences, and build camaraderie through their shared commitment to the Girl Scout mission. All volunteers, regardless of volunteer role, are invited to attend SU meetings in their area. Learn more at About Girl Scout Service Units.

GSSI staff will be distributing spring renewal patches, gifts, and 25% off coupons during upcoming SU meetings. Items are organized by troop and include a list of individuals receiving rewards. Troop coupons expire September 30, 2024.

Dubois: Monday, July 29, 6:00 - 7:30 PM EDT, Jasper-Dubois County Public Library - Hickory Meeting Room (100 3rd Ave, Suite B, Jasper)
Volunteer Gift Vouchers Expire July 31!
Co-leaders and service unit volunteers - don't forget to redeem your $5 gift vouchers by THIS WEDNESDAY, July 31! Consider purchasing one of these shop items listed below! Prices listed are prior to discount.

Volunteer Insignia Patch - $4
Adult Achievement Patch - $5 (choose from Troop Co-Leader, Service Unit Team, Cookie Program Volunteer, and MORE!)
Man Enough Lanyard - $8
Adult Insignia Tab, Trefoil Membership Pin, and World Trefoil Pin - $10.50
GSSI Baseball Hat - $12
GSSI Volunteer Name Badge - $13.50
Magnetic Trefoil Brooch Set - $14
Trefoil Earring and Necklace Set - $15

GSSI will place a single inventory order for all volunteer item requests on Monday, August 12.
Performance Art-Based Camp with the Foundry Center
Join the Foundry Center for the Arts in Newburgh on Saturday, August 3, for a Girl Scout acting workshop that includes script reading, costume design, improv games, theatre job insight, and acting for the camera!

Register by THIS WEDNESDAY, July 31!
Girl Scout Ice Cream Carnival in Perry County
All girls entering grades K and up are invited to join Girl Scouts for a fun-filled Ice Cream Carnival on Saturday, August 3, at Evangelical United Church of Christ in Tell City! Get ready for a day of ice cream-themed crafts, games, prizes, and a sundae bar. It will be a sweet event that you won't want to miss!

Register by THIS THURSDAY, August 1!
Join us for a SWAPS-making workshop!
Join volunteer and GSSI Board Chair Kelly Birkhead for an afternoon of SWAPS-making! SWAPS or Special Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere, are small tokens of friendship that Girl Scouts exchange with one another. Each one uniquely reflects a fellow Girl Scout, their troop, or a memory of a special event.

This free volunteer workshop, which will be held at the GSSI office on Sunday, August 11, from 2:00 to3:00 PM CDT, will provide the information you need to host a SWAPS-making party with your troop in preparation for the special SWAPS exchange during the Girl Scouts Love the Outdoors Fall Event Presented by Alcoa Foundation!

There will be a special door prize drawing and one volunteer will win a gift to help their troop prepare for their SWAPS-making party! Participants will also have the opportunity to purchase packages of 25 ready-to-make SWAPS at $5 per package (GSSI is not selling these packages, so no additional requests, please). CASH-ONLY will be accepted.

Register by THIS FRIDAY, August 2!

Child Protection Training: Stewards of Children
GSSI is partnering with Lampion Center to present Darkness to Light's Stewards of Children on Wednesday, August 28, from 5:30 - 8:30 PM CDT at the GSSI office. This evidence-informed, award-winning training teaches adults practical actions they can take to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. We are excited to share that the cost of this training has been waived due to grant funding. Participants have the option to participate in person or virtually.

All GSSI volunteers are strongly advised to complete this training in accordance with GSSI's Policies, Standards, and Volunteer & Child Protection Guidelines.
Start Planning Your Upcoming Year in the Volunteer Toolkit!
The Volunteer Toolkit (VTK) is a digital planning tool that provides ready-to-go meeting plans with customization options to fit your unique troop. Co-leaders can explore individual meeting plans that show a breakdown of every step, including a list of materials needed, editable time allotments for each activity within a meeting, and printable meeting aids. Co-leaders have permission to create and edit their troop's year plan, and all registered families can log in to view the information. Recent updates include:

• Pre-made year plans for single-level and multi-level troops based on the Troop Year Planner outlines
• Updated First Aid Badge curriculum for grades 2-12
Resilient. Ready. Strong. curriculum to strengthen mental wellness for grades K-12
Girl Scouts Love State Parks
World Thinking Day 2025
• New meeting plans for Seniors and Ambassadors

New to using the Volunteer Toolkit? Click "Take a Guided Tour" when you log in for a quick overview of the toolkit's features, including tracking attendance and achievements!

Access the Volunteer Toolkit through your MyGS account on GSSI's website, www.girlscouts-gssi.org. Your username is your full email address. Make sure to use the Chrome browser for compatibility.
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities
Upcoming Girl Opportunities
How to Get in Touch with Us
General questions & assistance: Email GSSI at support@girlscouts-gssi.org.

Volunteer events, training, and resources: Alyssa Miller, Volunteer Support & Training Manager, at amiller@girlscouts-gssi.org.

Membership questions and troop support: Contact your Membership Specialist based on the areas listed below.
Show Us What You're Up To!
GSSI wants to know about the positive change that local Girl Scouts are creating so that we can spread their stories and their impact further. Tell us about your troop's Take Action project, volunteer activities, or participation in local events. Your girls could be featured on our website, social media, or future marketing materials!

Send your stories and photos to Hannah Minasian at hminasian@girlscouts-gssi.org. Be sure to include your troop number and details of the activities pictured.
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5000 E Virginia St Ste 2 Evansville , IN 47715