NEW: GS Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Training Now Available for Volunteers
The Girl Scout Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention national training is now available on gsLearn , developed in response to sexual abuse and molestation (SAM) prevention training becoming an insurance requirement for youth-serving organizations. Thanks to Girl Scouts of Greater LA, who created their own training for the state of California, and with guidance from Palmer & Cay, we are pleased to offer a training program for councils.
The Girl Scout Abuse and Neglect prevention training—including policies, practices, and procedures—is available at no cost to volunteers and takes approximately 50 minutes to complete. The training will be assigned to you in gsLearn.
In order for you to be able to complete this training (and any future training), we need you to log in to your myGS account. Keep in mind: • You should be able to access your training library within a few days of signing-in. • The gsLearn tab can be found at the bottom of the column to the left of your account home screen. • Even if you have logged in and completed some training already, it's good to check your account every so often as new training may have been assigned to you! • If you are having trouble logging in, please reach out to us at 800-474-1912.
Consolidation of Council Retail Shops
You should have received an e-mail earlier this week which announced some changes to our retail shops. We have consolidated the three retail shops to one site located inside the Knoxville Leadership Center. We envision that items will still be available at the Chattanooga and Johnson City Leadership Centers which can either be shipped or picked up by appointment. We also plan to have more pop-up shops in every area like what we offered at this year’s cookie distributions.
Starting July 10, all three shop locations will close in order to prepare for the annual July inventory. The Chattanooga and Johnson City retail shops will not reopen when inventory is completed. The Knoxville retail shop will reopen in late July and will serve as the hub for all your retail needs.
Be on the lookout for more specific details about ordering options for the Chattanooga and Johnson City locations. We will send out a communication when these plans are worked out. If you have questions, please call our Customer Care team at 1-800-474-1912.
Open Shop Saturdays No Open Shop Saturday in July due to inventory taking place. Stay tuned for August's Saturday schedule.
Fall Product Program 2024
During the Fall Product Program, girls sell magazine subscriptions, nuts, and candy to family and friends. This sale gives girls a chance to earn funds for their Girl Scout troop and fun rewards for themselves, all while learning important life skills.
The 2024 program will run Sept. 20-Oct. 23.
This year's Fall Product Program Mascot is the Asian Elephant! Scientific name: Elephas maximus. More Fun Facts:
Asian elephants are the largest land mammal on the Asian continent.
Asian elephants’ trunks contain around 100,000 muscles.
Asian elephants are extremely sociable, forming groups of females.
Asian elephants use low-frequency sound waves for communication.
Asian elephants can weigh between 4,400 – 12,000 pounds.
Keep an eye on our social media for when voting opens to name our Mascot! You can find more information about the Fall Product Program on our website.
Summer Stack Club Registration Closes July 15!
Summer Stack Club 2024 kicked off on June 1, but there's still time for girls to join in! Registration for our summer reading program is open now and closes July 15 at 11:59pm. Cost is $3, and girls earn a fun patch and rocker! Find all the details and this year's reading list on our website.
30th Anniversary Celebration
Thank you to all who joined us to celebrate the Museum's 30th Anniversary on June 1! Enjoy some pictures from the event.
Joyce Maienschein Leadership Grant
Cadettes, Seniors, or Ambassadors who are working on a community service, take action project, or High Award can apply for a Joyce Maienschein Leadership Grant to help make their dream a reality. Not only can the girls receive funding for up to $500, but they gain life skills like writing, budgeting, organization, and teamwork. It's a win-win!
Be Seen in Your Community
Girls from SU 603 Applejacks, troops 353 and 388, participated in the Erwin, TN, Veterans Parade. The girls led off the parade handing out flags to the spectators. After the parade, the fire department set up their hose and let all the kids play in the water.
Share your stories and photos with us at socialmedia@girlscoutcsa.org. Please include a brief description (including date/location) of the event and/or project depicted, as well as the troop number(s).
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