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Girl Scouts of the Southern Appalachians
Early Bird Renewal Ends June 12!
You must complete the council renewal opt-in form and allow us to pull the money out of your troop account in order to earn Early Bird rewards.

At least 2 adult volunteers AND 80% of girls in the troop must be renewed by June 12 to qualify for remaining incentive (Early Bird rocker to go with MY25 patch).
Early Bird: Have Us Handle Renewal FOR YOU!
NEW THIS YEAR: To help you renew your troop for MY25, you can opt-in for the council to do it for you! All you need to do is complete an online form and provide:

• The names of the girls and volunteers being renewed
• The troop's bank account information

Opting-in to have us renew your troop for you is the only way to earn Early Bird Renewal rewards.

We will pull the membership fees out of your troop bank account via ACH and renew your members for you. We will pull the funds out of your account by the end of June 14 at the latest. Early Bird rewards are based on the date you submit the form to us.
Opt-In to council renewal
Reminder: Annual Financial Reports must be submitted by June 15!
Get a head start on compiling your troop’s transactions for the year! Annual Financial Reports are required to be submitted by June 15 to Council for the current year. The purpose of these reports is to provide our auditors the information required for our annual audit as well as for our annual tax return reporting to the IRS. Beginning in June, this information should be submitted through the Finance Tab in the Volunteer Toolkit.

What we need from each troop:
  • The Financial Worksheet, a tool to help you submit to the VTK. This is the preferred worksheet. However, you may use another format that provides the same information if necessary.
  • Six months of bank statements (December 2023 through May 2024).
  • The VTK Summary Report. The VTK shuts down July 1 for a few days. You will not be able to submit your Annual Financial Report through VTK after that date.
NOTE: If you haven’t renewed your membership for the 2024 membership year, you will not be able to access VTK at all until your membership has been renewed.
download worksheet
June 22: Program Aide/VIT Training - Johnson City Area
July 19: Junior Journey in a Day Workshop - Johnson City
Summer Stack Club is Here!
Summer Stack Club 2024 kicked off on June 1, but there's still time for girls to join in! Registration for our summer reading program is open now and closes July 15 at 11:59pm. Cost is $3, and girls earn a fun patch and rocker! Find all the details and this year's reading list on our website.
learn more & Register
What are your troop’s plans for the summer?
Meeting regularly or taking a break? Maybe you’re planning one big outing? Or perhaps you need an idea for one?

Remember that the Museum is open whenever the Knoxville Office is open! You're welcome to bring your troop to visit. We offer a chance for girls to try on uniforms from years past. If you'd like to schedule a docent-led tour or a uniform try-on experience, please see the form on the Council website for scheduling information.
learn more about the museum
Summer Camp & More
register today
Shero's Journey at Camp Wildwood
Girl Scout Day Camp is returning June 24-28, 2024 to Camp Wildwood. Registration closes June 16.
register today
Volunteers: Log-In and Learn with gsLearn
Volunteers, there is training available for you on gsLearn! In order for you to be assigned/able to complete these training modules, we need you to log in to your myGS account.

Keep in mind:
You should be able to access your training library within a few days of signing-in.
The gsLearn tab can be found at the bottom of the column to the left of your account home screen.
Even if you have logged in and completed some training already, it's good to check your account every so often as new training may have been assigned to you!
If you are having trouble logging in, please reach out to us at 800-474-1912.
Log Into myGs
Joyce Maienschein Leadership Grant
Cadettes, Seniors, or Ambassadors who are working on a community service, take action project, or High Award can apply for a Joyce Maienschein Leadership Grant to help make their dream a reality. Not only can the girls receive funding for up to $500, but they gain life skills like writing, budgeting, organization, and teamwork. It's a win-win! 
Be Seen in Your Community
Girl Scout girls, volunteers, and parents of the Takoda Service Unit visited the Chattanooga Ronald McDonald house for a day of service in April. The group brought a large collection of pop tops (a 3-year-collection’s worth!) and donated other needed items. They cooked a dinner for the residents and donated boxes of Girl Scout Cookies. The group also did general cleanups and organization in the house. It was a very rewarding experience for all involved!

Share your stories and photos with us at
socialmedia@girlscoutcsa.org. Please include a brief description (including date/location) of the event and/or project depicted, as well as the troop number(s).
Upcoming Events
June 3-29: Girl Scout Days at Mayfield Dairy Farms – Athens, TN
June 7-8:Unicorn World -- Knoxville 6/8-9/24
June 11: Father's Day Gifts - Johnson City Area
June 11: Troop Administrator Training Knoxville
June 12: Summer Series: Sewing Patch with Embroiderers' Guild of America -- Knoxville
June 12: Bronze Award Training -- Knoxville
June 12: Volunteer Training: Financial Worksheet - Abingdon
June 12: Silver Award Training -- Knoxville
June 13: Volunteer Training: Financial Worksheet Johnson City
June 14: Robots Day Camp (Oak Ridge Computer Science Girls) - Maryville
June 14: Daisy Toy Business Designer Badge Workshop -- Knoxville
June 14: Flag Day Celebration (C/S/A) - Chattanooga
June 18: Silver Award Training - VIRTUAL
June 18: Girl Program Mentor Training Knoxville
June 19: Mean Girl Management for Juniors and Cadettes -- Knoxville
June 20: Eye Spy Energy with KUB -- Knoxville
June 21: Girl Scout Night at Smokies Stadium
June 22: Program Aide/VIT Training - Johnson City Area
June 22-23: Girl Scout Sleepover at XPERIA: Ocean Journey - Sevierville
June 24: Summer Series: Diamond Painting with Debbie (C,S,A) -- Knoxville
June 27: Volunteer Training: Recruitment - Johnson City
June 29: Girl Program Mentor Training Johnson City
June 29: Troop Administrator Training - Johnson City
July 2: Bronze Award Training - VIRTUAL
July 9: First Aid, CPR, and AED for Adults and Children - Knoxville
July 10: Wonders of Water with KUB -- Knoxville
July 11: Cadette Healthy Relationships Workshop - Chattanooga
July 12: Senior/Ambassador Healthy Relationships Workshop - Chattanooga
July 13: Girl Scout Day at Dollywood
July 13: Power Line Safety Demonstration with KUB -- Knoxville
July 15: Summer Series: Dungeon Scouts -- Knoxville
July 15: Leader in Action Award Interest Meeting - Chattanooga
July 16: First Aid, CPR, and AED for Adults and Children-Johnson City
July 19: Junior Journey in a Day Workshop - Johnson City
July 19: Brownie Journey in an Afternoon - Chattanooga
July 19: Cadette Leader in Action - Chattanooga
July 20: Girl Scout Night at One Knox SC vs. Chattanooga Red Wolves SC -- Knoxville
July 20: Girl Scout Sleepover at XPERIA: Ocean Journey - Sevierville

{Please refer to our online Activities Calendar for the most up-to-date event information.}
View calendar
Shop Talk
Open Shop Saturdays
Aug. 3, 10:00am - 2:00pm (No Open Shop Saturday in July)

June is National Great Outdoors Month
Come in and check out our outdoor badges and products.

Summer Fun Patches
We have a wide variety of summertime fun patches available for purchase.

Online-Only Specials
June 5-12: $15 off $50; $25 off $75; and $50 off $125 (Not combinable with other promotions.)
June 15-16: 25% off sitewide (Uniforms and badges excluded. No minimum.)

Shop online anytime!
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1567 Downtown West Blvd. Knoxville , TN 37919