Welcome to GSSI's Weekly Volunteer Update
Spotlight on Our Amazing Volunteers!
We are excited to highlight and celebrate the following volunteers this week, each of whom has been nominated by a peer in recognition of their outstanding contributions.
India Williams "India lives out the Girl Scout Promise and Law through her actions. She’s kind, friendly, helpful, honest, and fair. Not only was my daughter genuinely and warmly welcomed to her troop, but India also extended the warm welcome to me!"
Sonja Bittner and Tara Hubert "I want to give a huge shoutout to our amazing new volunteers, Sonja and Tara, for agreeing to lead a new Daisy troop in Tell City. Your enthusiasm and dedication are inspiring, and we can’t wait to see the wonderful adventures you’ll create together!"
Do you know a Girl Scout volunteer who has recently gone above and beyond in their role, and you want to recognize them for their work? Submit this form, and we will include your story in our next weekly volunteer newsletter!
Cookie Training starts TODAY!
Don't miss your Service Unit's Cookie Training meeting!
• Gibson: Monday, November 4 • Spencer/Perry: Thursday, November 7 • Posey: Monday, November 11 • Daviess/Martin/Pike: Wednesday, November 13 • Knox: Thursday, November 14 • Dubois: Monday, November 18 • Warrick (all): Wednesday, November 20 • Vanderburgh (all): Thursday, November 21
Cookie Booth Training (ALL AREAS): Monday, November 25
Upcoming Service Unit Meetings
Service units (SUs) consist of Girl Scout members who live in the same city or county. SUs provide opportunities for volunteers to connect, share experiences, and build camaraderie through their shared commitment to the Girl Scout mission. Regardless of volunteer role, all volunteers are invited to attend SU meetings in their area! Learn more at About Girl Scout Service Units.
Vanderburgh: Thursday, November 14, 6:00 PM CST, GSSI Office (5000 E Virginia St, Evansville)
Register for the 2025 Volunteer Retreat!
The 10th Annual Volunteer Retreat, organized by Board Chair and volunteer Kelly Birkhead, will be a Disney-themed event held at Helen's Haven Lodge at Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana's Camp Pennyroyal. You're invited to join your fellow Girl Scout volunteers for fellowship, food, fun, games, and SWAPS!
WHEN: January 24-26, 2025 WHERE: Camp Pennyroyal 3095 Girl Scout Rd, Utica, KY 42376 COST: $35 for the whole weekend; $15 for Saturday-only REGISTRATION DEADLINE: November 30, 2024 (or until full)
Get Ready for Cookie Season with Cookie Pitch Weekend!
Are your Girl Scouts ready to take their cookie sales to the next level? We invite you to come to the council office and record your cookie pitch in front of a fun Girl Scout-themed backdrop! This opportunity is open to troops and individual girls. We will have pre-written pitches available for girls who might need a little extra help with what to say. Remember to wear your uniform or favorite Girl Scout gear!
Location: GSSI Council Office, 5000 E Virginia St, Evansville, IN 47715
When: Saturday, November 23, 9:00 AM–12:00 PM CST and Sunday, November 24, 12:00–2:00 PM CST. Time slots are available every 20 minutes.
For questions, contact Gretchen Fuelling at cookies@girlscouts-gssi.org.
Upcoming Girl Opportunities
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities
Coming Soon: Between Cookie Booths Volunteer Workshop Thursday, January 9
2025 Volunteer Retreat Friday, January 24 - Sunday, January 26
Save the Date: 2025 Spring Volunteer Leadership Summits Tuesday, April 1 and Thursday, April 3
How to Get in Touch with Us
General questions & assistance: Email GSSI at support@girlscouts-gssi.org.
Volunteer events, training, and resources: Alyssa Miller, Volunteer Support & Training Manager, at amiller@girlscouts-gssi.org.
Bank accounts and finance reports: Brittany Pringle, Membership Administrator, at bpringle@girlscouts-gssi.org.
Membership questions and troop support: Contact your Membership Specialist based on the areas listed below.
Zone 1: membership1@girlscouts-gssi.org East River Vanderburgh, North Central Vanderburgh, All Warrick
Zone 2: membership2@girlscouts-gssi.org Gibson, Knox, Posey, North West Vanderburgh
Zone 3: membership3@girlscouts-gssi.org Daviess, Martin, Pike
Zone 4: membership4@girlscouts-gssi.org Dubois, Perry, Spencer
For additional membership support: Kim Consley, Director of Membership, at kconsley@girlscouts-gssi.org.
Show Us What You're Up To!
GSSI wants to know about the positive change that local Girl Scouts are creating so that we can spread their stories and their impact further. Tell us about your troop's Take Action project, volunteer activities, or participation in local events. Your girls could be featured on our website, social media, or future marketing materials!
Send your stories and photos to Hannah Minasian at hminasian@girlscouts-gssi.org. Be sure to include your troop number and details of the activities pictured.
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