Happy Volunteer Appreciation Month! Thank you for all the creativity, care, and dedication you bring to Girl Scouts. We appreciate everything you do. We’ll be sharing heartfelt stories and thank-yous all month long, but we’re extra excited to kick off a special giveaway just for you. Be sure to enter for the chance to win a grand prize bundle worth up to $1,250. Thanks again for all you do—and good luck.
Early Bird: Have Us Handle Renewal FOR YOU!
NEW THIS YEAR: To help you renew your troop, you can opt-in for the council to do it for you! All you need to do is complete an online form and provide:
• The names of the girls and volunteers being renewed • The troop's bank account information
Opting-in to have us renew your troop for you is the only way to earn Early Bird Renewal rewards.
We will pull the membership fees out of your troop bank account via ACH and renew your members for you. We will pull the funds out of your account on one of three dates – May 15, May 29, or June 14 (based on when you submitted the form).
Your Early Bird rewards will be based on the date you submit the form to us.
Early Bird Renewal is May 1 - June 12
You must complete the council renewal opt-in form and allow us to pull the money out of your troop account in order to earn Early Bird rewards.
At least 2 adult volunteers AND 80% of girls in the troop must be renewed by the dates on the chart to qualify for the incentives listed.
*For GSCSA Camp Day: ONLY volunteers and girls that have been renewed by May 15 will be eligible to attend.
REMEMBER: April 12 is the deadline for troops to move/change any inactive girl members.
Click Here to download and print a handy one-pager to remind you of all Early Bird dates and details.
Adult Awards
Contributing to a girl's development of courage, confidence, and character is one of the many rewards associated with being a Girl Scout volunteer. Another is the honor of your contributions being recognized by your peers! Nominate a fellow volunteer for their outstanding service, and encourage girls and parents to do the same.
The nomination window for service performed in 2023 or 2024 is open until May 1, 2024.
NEW Adult Award Patches
GSCSA is pleased to announce three new Council adult recognitions available beginning this year. The award patches are:
Rising Star - for outstanding volunteers with less than 3 years of service who have not yet earned Volunteer of Excellence
Commitment to Excellence - for outstanding volunteers with over 5 years of experience and who have already earned Volunteer of Excellence
Outdoor Trailblazer - for a volunteer who presents outstanding outdoor programming
The Great Cookie Tasting
The Great Cookie Tasting is an adult evening of food and fun! Enjoy our signature cookies paired with Tennessee libations and celebrate the crowning of your region’s “Favorite Cookie.” There's one Tasting event left!
Apr. 11 – Chattanooga @ WanderLinger Brewing Company
Join us on Sat., June 1, as we celebrate the Girl Scout Museum at Daisy's Place’s 30th birthday. Drop in any time between 11:00am and 1:00pm to enjoy games, special exhibits, and cake with Girl Scout friends.
Leaders, make it a day of troop summer fun and earn the “Get Out and Play” patch by combining this event with a visit to a local Knoxville park! Find the requirements for this patch by getting a copy of the latest Get Out and Play! guide, published by the Legacy Parks Foundation. Guides are available at: Visit Knoxville, Outdoor Knoxville Adventure Center, Runners Market, REI, Gourmet’s Cafe, Blackhorse Pub, Mast General Store, Three Rivers Market, Ijams Nature Center, SoKno Taco, and Roundup Restaurant
Girls also have the option to work on the "Explore Knoxville" patch. Tennessee Statehood Day is also June 1, and local historic sites, forts, and homes all over Tennessee offer free admission and special activities. To obtain this patch’s requirements, send an email to info@girlscoutcsa.org and ask for the patch requirements to explore your specific area.
Summer Camp & More
We're Hiring for Summer Camp!
Shero's Journey at Camp Wildwood
Girl Scout Day Camp is returning June 24-28, 2024 to Camp Wildwood. Registration is now open for both campers AND counselors.
Volunteers: Log-In and Learn with gsLearn
Volunteers, there is training available for you on gsLearn that covers a wide variety of useful topics. In order for us at the council to assign training modules to you and in order for you to access and complete the training, we need you to log in to your myGS account.
You should be able to access your training library within a few days of signing-in. The gsLearn tab can be found at the bottom of the column to the left of your account home screen. Even if you have logged in and completed some training already, it's good to check your account every so often as new training may have been assigned to you!
If you are having trouble logging in, please reach out to us at 800-474-1912.
Joyce Maienschein Leadership Grant
Cadettes, Seniors, or Ambassadors who are working on a community service, take action project, or High Award can apply for a Joyce Maienschein Leadership Grant to help make their dream a reality. Not only can the girls receive funding for up to $500, but they gain life skills like writing, budgeting, organization, and teamwork. It's a win-win!
Be Seen in Your Community
Troop 1083 recently showed Kingsport Church Circle some love by cleaning up litter. Girl Scouts can earn a "Nobody Trashes Tennessee" patch by picking up litter through GSCSA's partnership with TDOT.
Share your stories and photos with us at socialmedia@girlscoutcsa.org. Please include a brief description (including date/location) of the event and/or project depicted, as well as the troop number(s).
Shop Talk
Open Shop Saturdays • Apr. 6, 10:00am - 2:00pm • May 4, 10:00am - 2:00pm
2023 Cookie Dough expires Apr. 30! Spend it before it's too late.
We Love Our Volunteers! Apr. 22 is Volunteer Appreciation Day. Come find that special gift for the awesome volunteer(s) in your life.
Earth Day 2024 April 22 is also Earth Day. We have several eco-friendly programing badges and patches in stock including the Tree Promise patch.
Online-Only Specials • Apr. 5 – 9 Promotion: $15 off $50+/$25 off $75+/$50 off $125 • Apr. 15 – 22 Promotion: 15% Off $50+ Sitewide • Apr. 25 – 30 Online Exclusive Promotion: 20% off all apparel and accessories (excluding uniforms) No minimum, including sale.
Shop online anytime!
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