The 2024 Fall Product Program early access starts in eight days. Remember to log in to the M2 system and create your avatar. All service unit fall product managers will receive their personalized patch as appreciation from GSHCC for your support.
Important Dates
September 12—Early Access for Volunteers September 20—Fall Product Program Begins October 20—Fall Product Program Ends October 20—Caregiver order entry ends at 11:59 p.m. EST October 22—Troop order entry ends at 11:59 p.m. EST October 23—SU order entry ends at 11:59 p.m. EST October 23—Last day to make changes to reward choices October 24—ACH withdrawal (full balance) November 13-20—Delivery of nuts/chocolate items and rewards to SU volunteers November 27—Last day to deliver product to customers
Participation Options
The fall product program is about to begin. Troops have plenty of time to sign up to participate. Troops must have two leaders, one fall product manager and at least two Girl Scouts registered for the 2025 membership year to participate. Fall product managers must complete training through gsLearn before their troop can participate in the program.
Girl Scouts must be registered for the 2025 membership year and have a signed Permission Form on file with their troop fall product manager.
M2 System
Do you or your troops need help with the M2 system? We have Just in Time trainings and M2 system videos available online to help you navigate this user-friendly site. Any troops missing from the M2 system who wish to participate should ensure they meet registration requirements. Troop users who are in M2 but did not get an email can click the “Forgot Password” link on to register. Girls who did not get the email can go to and click “Register” to get started. Still need help? Please contact M2 customer care.
Remind girls to upload a video to their M2 account to earn the Visualize patch! This is an effortless way for girls to get engaged and practice their online marketing skills.
Participating troops earn 15% of the proceeds on all sales. Older Girl Troops with Cadette, Senior and/or Ambassador Girl Scouts can earn 20% proceeds and patches only when they opt-out of reward items and experiences. Once troops opt-out of rewards, the plan cannot be changed back.
We have listened to the girls and have planned some exciting rewards and experiences based on their feedback.
Give Back Level We are thrilled to announce that we have partnered with Save the Elephants for our 2024 Fall Product Give Back Level. At this level, the girls will earn a Fahlo Expedition Bracelet. Each bracelet comes with a wild Elephant to track. A portion of all proceeds are donated to Save the Elephant Kenya, who specializes in elephant research and works to protect wild elephants. Earners will also earn a custom GSHCC Conservation Patch.
Juliette Participation
Juliettes/Individually Registered Girl Scouts can participate via Direct Ship and Girl Delivery orders only. GSHCC will act as their “troop fall product manager” and ensure orders and rewards are entered into the M2 system. Service unit fall product managers will only be responsible for distributing products and rewards in November. Those wishing to participate as Juliettes/IRGS should fill out a Parent Permission Form with “Juliette” as the troop number and “” as the email.
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Update Profile