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Girl Scouts of the Southern Appalachians
Upcoming Cookie Trainings
Cookie training for Service Unit-level volunteers is scheduled at each Leadership Center this month. Please check your email for instructions on how to register. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Product Team at product@girlscoutcsa.org.
Hurricane Helene Relief
Troop 1072 volunteered at relief centers by sorting donations.
We recently announced the launch of the Girl Scouts of Southern Appalachians' Appalachian Strong campaign. This initiative unites our efforts to address the most urgent needs in our Girl Scout community.

The Appalachian Strong campaign will consist of selling T-shirts and stickers, with all net proceeds going toward recovery efforts. The funds will be used for:
  • Financial assistance and scholarships for impacted families
  • Uniform, patch, and badge replacements
  • Troop and service unit supply replenishment
  • Restoration of damaged camp properties
If you want to make only a monetary donation to our Appalachian Strong campaign without ordering a t-shirt or sticker, you can do so online. We also have set up an Amazon Wishlist where you can purchase items to be donated for hurricane relief.
order tees and stickers
Troop 20856 bought supplies and assembled hygiene kits.
Troop 20826 (located just 30 miles from hurricane damage) went shopping for diapers, wipes, water, female products, hygiene products, toys, blankets, socks, and coloring books to donate.
Nov. 14: Digital Leadership Badge Workshop - Greeneville Area
Nov. 23: Daisy STEM Badge Day in Athens
Nov. 23: Hiking Club: City Hike on the Riverwalk
Dec. 4: Brownie First Aid Badge Workshop – Chattanooga
Dec. 7: Hiking Club: Biology Trail on White Oak Mountain
Dec. 12: Holidays Around the World - Johnson City
Dec. 12: Bronze Award Training - VIRTUAL

Just a few spots left for our 2nd Annual Snow Adventure Weekend at Holston Center! If you’re interested in going but spaces are full, please email Lynnea Salinas at LSalinas@GirlScoutCSA.org to be added to a wait list.
Girl Scouts Go West!
Join us for our Girl Scouts Go West! National Parks Adventure, June 3-8, 2025. We will visit Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, and Zion National Parks plus much more. Registration deadline is Dec. 31, 2024. If you would like more information before signing up, plan to attend our virtual Interest Meeting on Dec. 3.
register for interest meeting
Log In & Learn with gsLearn
Volunteers, in order to be assigned and complete important training, log into gsLearn through your myGS account!
  • The gsLearn tab can be found at the bottom of the column to the left of your myGS account home screen.
  • You should be able to access your training library within a few days of signing-in for the first time.
  • Even if you have completed training before, it's good to check gsLearn every so often as new training may have been assigned to you.
  • If you are having trouble logging in, please reach out to us at 800-474-1912.
Joyce Maienschein Leadership Grant
Cadettes, Seniors, or Ambassadors who are working on a community service, take action project, or High Award can apply for a Joyce Maienschein Leadership Grant to help make their dream a reality. Not only can the girls receive funding for up to $500, but they gain life skills like writing, budgeting, organization, and teamwork. It's a win-win! 
Be Seen in Your Community
Girl Scouts from Service Unit 404 worked together to gather, pack, and distribute 200 hygiene bags to send to four local middle schools. They also took extra supplies to two area high schools' and two area colleges' hygiene closets. This service project will help hundreds of girls in the Catoosa County, GA, area get emergency supplies in their time of need.

Please share your stories and photos with us at
socialmedia@girlscoutcsa.org! Please include a brief description (including date/location) of the event and/or project depicted, as well as the troop number(s).
Activities & Events
Nov. 9: Girl Program Mentor Training Chattanooga
Nov. 9: Troop Administrator Training Chattanooga
Nov. 9: Museum at Daisy's Place - Girl Scout Traditions - Knoxville
Nov. 10: Coding Basics Badge 1 for Brownies with STEM the Gap Academy
Nov. 10: Brownie Making Games Badge and Chess Patch with STEM the Gap Academy
Nov. 10: Chess for Seniors and Ambassadors Patch with STEM the Gap Academy
Nov. 11: Gold Award Interviews - Johnson City
Nov. 13: Troop Administrator Training Online
Nov. 14: Museum at Daisy's Place - Girl Scout Songs & Ceremonies for Adults - Knoxville
Nov. 15: New Volunteer Orientation Online
Nov. 15-17: A Magical Journey Weekend - Camp Tanasi
Nov. 16: First Aid, CPR, and AED for Adults and Children - Knoxville
Nov. 16: Crowd Sourcing (Oak Ridge Computer Science Girls) - Virtual
Nov. 16: Troop Administrator Training - Johnson City
Nov. 16: Girl Program Mentor Training Johnson City
Nov. 17: Coding Basics Badge 1 for Juniors with STEM the Gap Academy
Nov. 17: Coding Basics Badge 1 for Cadettes with STEM the Gap Academy
Nov. 17: Chess for Juniors Patch with STEM the Gap Academy
Nov. 17: Cadettes Good Sportsmanship Badge and Chess Patch with STEM the Gap Academy
Nov. 19: First Aid, CPR, and AED for Adults and Children - Knoxville
Nov. 21: Gold Award Interviews - Knoxville
Nov. 21: Crafting with Caregivers: Tie Dye - Chattanooga
Nov. 21: Mean Girl Management for Seniors and Ambassador - Knoxville
Nov. 23: Augmented Reality (Oak Ridge Computer Science Girls) - Oak Ridge
Nov. 23: Scout Saturday: Night Sky - DBJ - Tellus Museum
Nov. 23: New Volunteer Orientation Online
Nov. 23: Cybersecurity Badges 2 & 3 for Juniors and Cadettes with STEM the Gap Academy
Nov. 24: Cybersecurity Basics Badge 1 for Cadettes with STEM the Gap Academy
Nov. 24: Cybersecurity Basics Badge 1 for Juniors with STEM the Gap Academy
Dec. 2: New Volunteer Orientation Online
Dec. 3: Girl Program Mentor Training Online
Dec. 4: Troop Administrator Training - Knoxville
Dec. 7: Game Physics Rocket Edition (Oak Ridge Computer Science Girls) - Virtual
Dec. 9: Girl Program Mentor Training - Knoxville
Dec. 10: Silver Award Training VIRTUAL
Dec. 10: First Aid, CPR, and AED for Adults and Children - Knoxville
Dec. 10: New Volunteer Orientation Online
Dec. 10: Gold Award Training - VIRTUAL
Dec. 12: Gold Award Interviews - Knoxville
Dec. 12: Gold Award Training - Chattanooga
Dec. 13: Taylor Swift Birthday Party! Johnson City area
Dec. 14: Beyond a Brick: Lego Elf Boot Camp D/B/J/C - Knoxville
Dec. 14: 3D Printing (Oak Ridge Computer Science Girls) - Maryville
Dec. 14: Holidays Around the World - Chattanooga
Dec. 14: Wreaths Across America Various Locations
Dec. 18: New Volunteer Orientation Online
Dec. 20: Junior Journey in a Day: Think Like a Programmer - Chattanooga

{Please refer to our online Activities Calendar for the most up-to-date event information.}
View calendar
Shop Talk
Remember: You can place an order over the phone and pick up your items during a pop-up shop at our Johnson City and Chattanooga offices! Shop orders must be placed and pre-paid at least 1 week prior to the pop-up date.

Uniform Pop-Up Shops:
Johnson City
Nov. 7, 3:00pm-7:00pm
Nov. 21, 3:00pm-7:00pm
all things shop
NEW Items (would make great Christmas gifts!):
Adult Zip-up Hoodie - $44.00
Adult Pullover Sweatshirt - $36.00
Girl and Adult Pajamas - $38.00/Adult, $32.00/Girl
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