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Girl Scouts of Southwest Indiana
Welcome to GSSI's Weekly Volunteer Update!
All girls in grades K-12 and their families are invited to join GSSI on Saturday, September 7, at Holiday World & Splashin Safari for our Girl Scouts Love the Outdoors Fall Event presented by Alcoa Foundation. Girl Scout councils across Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio are partnering for a day of fun for the whole family, including access to both parks and exclusive Girl Scout activities throughout the day!

Tickets to this event are $60 per person and include access to Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari, a buffet lunch, a Girl Scout SWAPS session, a fun patch, and additional program activities for Girl Scouts. (Season pass holders may use their season pass for admission but will need to pay $25 for the buffet lunch and Girl Scout program activities to gain access to the event.)

Girls do not have to be Girl Scouts to attend, so be sure invite your friends!

The deadline to register is August 11, 2024.
Spring Renewal Incentives are Ready for Pickup
Spring renewal patches, gifts, and 25% coupons are ready for pickup at the GSSI office! Items are organized by troop and include a list of individuals who received the rewards. Troop coupons expire September 30, 2024.

GSSI staff will distribute spring renewal incentives during upcoming service unit meetings for convenience. Contact support@girlscouts-gssi.org with questions regarding spring renewal incentives.
Upcoming Service Unit Meetings
Service units (SUs) consist of Girl Scout members who live in the same city or county. SUs provide opportunities for volunteers to connect, share experiences, and build camaraderie through their shared commitment to the Girl Scout mission. All volunteers, regardless of volunteer role, are invited to attend SU meetings in their area.

Vanderburgh (East River, North Central, and North West SUs): Thursday, July 25, 6:00 - 7:30 PM CDT, GSSI Office (5000 E Virginia St, Evansville)

Dubois: Monday, July 29, 6:00 - 7:30 PM EDT, Jasper-Dubois County Public Library - Hickory Meeting Room (100 3rd Ave, Suite B, Jasper)
NEW! Service Unit Information on GSSI's Volunteer Hub
Check out the new About Girl Scout Service Units section on GSSI's Volunteer Hub! This new landing page is designed to help volunteers understand how they fit into their local service unit community.

GSSI staff is building dedicated service unit teams for the 2024-2025 membership year. To learn more about available positions in your local service unit, contact Alyssa Miller, GSSI's Volunteer Support & Training Manager, at amiller@girlscouts-gssi.org.
Girl Scout Products for Volunteers
Display your Girl Scout pride with these fun shop items all under $15! Bonus: co-leaders and service unit volunteers can use their $5 gift voucher towards their purchase; prices listed below are prior to discount.

Volunteer Insignia Patch - $4
Adult Achievement Patch - $5 (choose from Troop Co-Leader, Service Unit Team, Cookie Program Volunteer, and MORE!)
Man Enough Lanyard - $8
Adult Insignia Tab, Trefoil Membership Pin, and World Trefoil Pin - $10.50
GSSI Baseball Hat - $12
Magnetic Trefoil Brooch Set - $14
Trefoil Earring and Necklace Set - $15

Gift vouchers expire at the end of July, so make sure to submit your GSSI shop order by Wednesday, July 31. GSSI will place a single inventory order for all volunteer item requests on Monday, August 12.
Order Your Official GSSI Volunteer Name Badge
Volunteers may order official GSSI name badges, which are perfect for service unit gatherings, recruiting events, council meetings, and more! Each badge is $11.00 (plus a $2.50 credit card fee per order) and customized with your name.

Co-leaders and Service Unit Teams: to use your $5 gift voucher towards this purchase, place your order through customer care at support@girlscouts-gssi.org or (812) 421-4970. You cannot apply discounts through the online order form below.

For information and to place your order, visit the link below. For questions, contact Lindsey Alvey at lalvey@girlscouts-gssi.org.
Campfire Cookie Chat for Volunteers
The Volunteer Campfire Cookie Chat will be on Sunday, July 21, from 1:00 to 2:00 PM CT at the council office. Volunteers will steer this meeting with questions/topics submitted beforehand. This is to help new volunteers (or seasoned volunteers) with any cookie questions they may have. To RSVP, please email Gretchen at cookies@girlscouts-gssi.org.
Don't miss out, purchase your tickets for Girl Scout Night with the Evansville Otters by this Saturday, July 20! For just $7 for Girl Scouts and $10 for adults and siblings, participants will enjoy general admission to the game and a hotdog dinner, a private Q&A and baseball clinic with the Otters post-game, an optional overnight campout on the field with breakfast the next morning, and a commemorative patch!
Save the date for the 2024 Fall Volunteer Summit!
GSSI's annual Volunteer Leadership Summits uplift and empower Girl Scout volunteers who mentor future leaders. The 2024 Fall Summit will be at McCutchanville Community Church in Evansville on Saturday, October 5. It will focus on personal leadership development, open dialogue between staff and volunteers, and new resources for troop management.

Registration and session details will be posted soon. Advance registration is required for food and seating.

Thank you to the volunteers who attended the recent planning meeting. We appreciate your dedication to the growth and well-being of all Girl Scout volunteers!
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities
Upcoming Girl Opportunities
How to Get in Touch with Us
General questions & assistance: Email GSSI at support@girlscouts-gssi.org.

Volunteer events, training, and resources: Alyssa Miller, Volunteer Support & Training Manager, at amiller@girlscouts-gssi.org.

Membership questions and troop support: Contact your Membership Specialist based on the areas listed below.
Show Us What You're Up To!
GSSI wants to know about the positive change that local Girl Scouts are creating so that we can spread their stories and their impact further. Tell us about your troop's Take Action project, volunteer activities, or participation in local events. Your girls could be featured on our website, social media, or future marketing materials!

Send your stories and photos to Hannah Minasian at hminasian@girlscouts-gssi.org. Be sure to include your troop number and details of the activities pictured.
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© %%=FormatDate(Now(), "yyyy")=%% Girl Scouts of the United States of America. All Rights Reserved.
5000 E Virginia St Ste 2 Evansville , IN 47715