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Girl Scouts of Southwest Indiana
Welcome to GSSI's Weekly Volunteer Update!
Summit Registration Extended through TODAY!
FINAL CHANCE - registration closes tonight, September 23, at 11:00 PM CST!

Summit Agenda
• Leadership Skill Building: The 6 Types of Working Genius
• Service Unit Discussion Panel and Q&A
• Best Financial Practices for Troops; GSSI will be premiering our new Goal Setting Planner!

Don't miss out—all volunteers who attend will receive a limited edition 2024 Fall Summit Patch!
Upcoming Service Unit Meetings
Service units (SUs) consist of Girl Scout members who live in the same city or county. SUs provide opportunities for volunteers to connect, share experiences, and build camaraderie through their shared commitment to the Girl Scout mission. Regardless of volunteer role, all volunteers are invited to attend SU meetings in their area! Learn more at About Girl Scout Service Units.

GSSI staff will distribute money aprons for all returning co-leaders and SU team members and spring renewal rewards during the fall SU meetings! Spring renewal items will include a list of individuals receiving rewards. Troop coupons expire on September 30, 2024.
  • Pike: Wednesday, September 25, 6:00 PM EDT, Pike County History Museum (1104 Main St, Petersburg)
  • Vanderburgh: Thursday, September 26, 6:00 PM CDT, GSSI office (5000 E Virginia St, Evansville), voting on the merging of all Vanderburgh service units (East River, North West, North Central)
  • Perry: Thursday, September 26, 6:00 PM CDT, First Baptist Church (802 13th St, Tell City)
  • SW Warrick Ice Cream Social: Wednesday, October 16, 6:00 PM CDT, Newburgh UMC Fellowship Hall (4178 IN-261, Newburgh), co-leaders and their family members are invited for fun and networking, co-leaders can check out Girl Scout resources from the SU Library
  • Dubois: Monday, October 21, 6:00 PM EDT, Jasper Public Library (100 3rd Ave, Suite B)
Reminder - Renew Your Membership by October 1!
Ready for another year of fun? The new Girl Scout membership year starts October 1, so don't forget to renew girl and adult memberships by Monday, September 30!

Renew your Girl Scout membership today through your myGS account at www.girlscouts-gssi.org.

Each family has a personal myGS account where they can complete membership renewals and update important household information. Co-leaders can also renew troop members from their myGS account.

Questions? Contact support@girlscouts-gssi.org for additional assistance.
Special National Council Session and Feedback Survey
At Girl Scouts of Southwest Indiana’s Annual Meeting in April of 2022, three (3) delegates were elected to represent our council from April 2022–April 2025 on the National Council. These individuals served as GSSI’s voice during the 2023 National Council Session and are now being called to a special council session on October 19 by Girl Scouts’ National Board of Directors.

GSSI Elected Delegates:
• Kelly Birkhead, Board Chair
• Danyelle Granger, 1st Vice Chair
• Aimee Stachura, CEO

Before that session, GSSI members may offer feedback on two proposals related to national membership dues. GSUSA is proposing an increase to the annual girl membership fee and adult membership fee. The proposals are presented as fill-in-the-blank, so the amount of the potential increase is to be determined by the National Council.

Currently, the annual membership fee is $25 for girls and adults, and the full amount is paid to the national organization; GSSI does not currently receive a percentage of membership dues. GSUSA’s National Board is recommending $85 for annual girl membership dues and $45 for annual adult membership dues, effective for Membership Year 2026 (October 1, 2025 - September 30, 2026). The national board also approved three (3) resolutions to coincide with the dues increase: financial support to councils, the creation of a national membership dues scholarship fund, and phased-in dues increases for current members.

As a reminder, $85 and $45 are just recommendations of the National Board; it is the National Council’s role to determine the potential increase amount. However, the National Board may raise dues by 25% without National Council approval.

Per the national board, the additional revenue will allow GSUSA and councils to:
  • Simplify and streamline the volunteer experience in every way possible and make it even easier and more rewarding to become a volunteer.
  • Ensure processes are easier, faster, and better streamlined, including more ‘turnkey’ training, recruitment tools, and programs.
  • Clarify for families and communities the value and impact of the Girl Scout experience, why girls should join, and why donors should invest.
  • Eliminate barriers so that every girl who wants to join Girl Scouts can and that she has the opportunity to engage in all that Girl Scouting offers.
  • Create new experiences, including opportunities to explore new places and better connect with our global sisterhood.
  • Make technology easier to use, with more integration between platforms.
If you would like to provide feedback so that GSSI’s delegates may bring Southwest Indiana's voice to this special council session, please complete the survey provided at the link below.

If you have additional questions about the proposals, please contact GSSI’s CEO, Aimee Stachura, at astachura@girlscouts-gssi.org.
Join us for Volunteer Upcycle Day this Saturday!
Looking to clear out unused supplies or find something new for your troop? Join us for Volunteer Upcycle Day this Saturday, September 28, from 1:00 PM–3:00 PM CDT at Acclaim Graphics in Evansville!

This event is FREE, and you do not have to contribute items to participate! Bring items you no longer use and exchange them with other volunteers. This is a great opportunity to share your “leftovers” or excess supplies that your troop no longer needs, but another troop could benefit from. Consider donating party supplies, art and craft materials, faux flowers, vases, camping essentials, unused/excess patches, badge work materials, and more—think outside the box! Reduce waste, save money, and support each other by finding new homes for items that still have life left in them.

If you have any questions or need to schedule a specific drop-off time, please contact Kelly Birkhead at printrswife@gmail.com.
Complete Your Child Protection Training
by October 31
GSSI's Child Protection Guidelines ensure the safety of youth in GSSI programs by equipping staff and volunteers to recognize, prevent, and respond to child abuse. All staff and volunteers must read pages 24-30 of GSSI's Policies, Standards, Volunteer & Child Protection Guidelines.

Staff and volunteers providing direct youth services must complete the online training (pages 25-26) and submit THIS FORM by Thursday, October 31.

Volunteers who completed the training and submitted the form in 2024 do not need to resubmit. Those with recent, accredited child abuse prevention training can upload their certificate to THIS FORM to fulfill requirements.

Contact Alyssa Miller at amiller@girlscouts-gssi.org with any questions.
Important Cookie Program Updates
Confirm Troop Cookie Volunteers: When you have confirmed your troop's cookie volunteer(s) for the 2025 Cookie Program, please email Gretchen at cookies@girlscouts-gssi.org.

Cookie Program Resources: All cookie program forms and resources will be available on the GSSI website, www.girlscouts-gssi.org, starting October 1, 2024. Helpful resources include YouTube training on specific cookie topics, easy-to-follow tip sheets, and more! Volunteers can access cookie resources under Cookies/Cookie Resources for Volunteers on the GSSI website.

Cookie Training: Mark your calendars! Service Unit (SU) Cookie Trainings have been set, and Cookie Chairs will contact you this month with detailed information.

Gibson: TBD
Spencer/Perry: Thursday, November 7
Posey: Monday, November 11
Daviess/Martin/Pike: Wednesday, November 13
Knox: Thursday, November 14
Dubois: Monday, November 18
Warrick (all): Wednesday, November 20
Vanderburgh (all): Thursday, November 21

Cookie Booth Training (ALL AREAS): Monday, November 25
Upcoming Girl Opportunities
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities
How to Get in Touch with Us
General questions & assistance: Email GSSI at support@girlscouts-gssi.org.

Volunteer events, training, and resources: Alyssa Miller, Volunteer Support & Training Manager, at amiller@girlscouts-gssi.org.

Bank accounts and finance reports: Brittany Pringle, Membership Administrator, at bpringle@girlscouts-gssi.org.

Membership questions and troop support: Contact your Membership Specialist based on the areas listed below.
Show Us What You're Up To!
GSSI wants to know about the positive change that local Girl Scouts are creating so that we can spread their stories and their impact further. Tell us about your troop's Take Action project, volunteer activities, or participation in local events. Your girls could be featured on our website, social media, or future marketing materials!

Send your stories and photos to Hannah Minasian at hminasian@girlscouts-gssi.org. Be sure to include your troop number and details of the activities pictured.
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5000 E Virginia St Ste 2 Evansville , IN 47715